Comp 343-001/443-001, Computer Networks, Fall 2024

Peter Dordal, Loyola University Chicago Dept of Computer Science.

This class is online, and meets via Zoom on Tuesdays from 6:00 to around 8:40.

The text will be An Introduction to Computer Networks, second edition, written by myself and available for free online. Note that the book is updated regularly.

My general course groundrules are here. Exams will count for between 60% to 70% of your grade, with homework and programs making up the rest.

The midterm will be the week of October 14, and will be on Sakai (probably Wednesday to Thursday). The final will be during the normal finals week.

Most of the course materials and assignments will be on Sakai.

Normal office hours:
Fall 2024:
I am generally in my office on Mondays from 10:00 to noon, and from 1:45 to 3:45.
Sometimes I have meetings or come in late, so check first.
I am also available other times via Zoom, by appointment. Contact me via email for the Zoom meeting ID.

Study guides and materials

Course calendar

Week 1: Aug 27 (hwk 1 assignment) Week 2: Sep 3
Week 3: Sep 10
Week 4: Sep 17 (hwk 2 assignment) Week 5: Sep 24
Week 6: Oct 1
Oct 8: Fall break
Week 7: Oct 15 (midterm week)         Week 8: Oct 22                    
Week 9: Oct 29
Week 10: Nov 5
Week 11: Nov 12
Week 12: Nov 19
Week 13 Nov 26
Week 14: Dec 3

Java simpletalk examples

TCP: server, clientthreaded server
UDP: server, client


A viewer for the Internet: A galaxy-visualization tool is used to display all ISPs (as stars) and links between them.

Programming Projects

Summary of coverage, from An Introduction to Computer Networks

An Overview of Networks
Other LANs
Wireless, Wi-Fi in particular
Links: briefly
Packets: briefly
Abstract Sliding Windows
IP version 4
IPv4 Companion Protocols
IP version 6 (selections)
Routing Update Algorithms
Large-scale IP Routing
More TCP
TCP Reno and Congestion Management
TCP Dynamics
Miscellaneous topics

Learning outcomes

Students will understand how the Internet is constructed, how LANs are built and managed, how data is routed to its destination, how connections are managed and implemented, how congestion is handled, and how security can be addressed.