Comp 343/443-001 Week 3 notes

Introduction to the textbook
Programming assignments

Assignment 1
    Chapter 1 exercises 1.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
    Chapter 2 exercises 2.0, 3.0, 7.0
    Due Friday, Sept 13

1.13: Firewalls

Quick look at Chapter 9:

Chapter 3:

3.1: Spanning Tree  
3.2: VLANs
3.4: SDN

4.1: Radioland
4.2: Wi-Fi
    4.2.1: collision basics; link-layer ACKs
    4.2.2: rate scaling
    4.2.3: MIMO

4.2.4: Access points

    linssid demo (linux utility; runs as root; needs display access)

    4.2.5: security
    4.2.7: polling mode

    4.2.8: MANETs and mesh

Wi-Fi monitoring demo (maybe not; it breaks everything!)
    service NetworkManager stop
    ifconfig wlp0s20f3 down
    iwconfig wlp0s20f3 mode monitor
    ifconfig wlp0s20f3 up
    iwconfig wlp0s20f3 channel 12

To undo:
    ifconfig wlp0s20f3 down
    iwconfig wlp0s20f3 mode managed
    ifconfig wlp0s20f3 up
    service NetworkManager start

5.1 VPNs
5.2 Carrier Ethernet
5.3 Token Ring

6: Links

    Encoding and Framing
        NRZ, etc
    4.1.5 Framing: how packets are defined

    TDM and SONET

7. Packets,

8. Sliding windows,