Intro to SQL
Here is a quick SQL summary sheet
The examples below mostly come from EN7 chapter 6 / EN6 chapter 4.
Note that the numbering of the example queries is the
same in EN7 and EN6.
The detailed examples of joins starts here.
With SQL we can
- create tables
- insert records into tables
- delete records from tables
- update records in tables
- make queries about the data in a table
- make queries about the data in two or more related tables, using join.
We will use these two databases
Example of create table:
create table employee2 (
-- fewer columns than
table employee
fname varchar(15) not null,
lname varchar(15) not null,
ssn char(9)
not null,
salary decimal(10,2),
super_ssn char(9),
not null,
primary key (ssn),
foreign key (super_ssn) references employee(ssn),
foreign key (dno) references department(dnumber)
Note the six attributes (fname,
lname, ssn, salary, super_ssn and dno), and their types. Four of the
attributes have a constraint: not null. This
means these fields cannot be left empty. Finally, we have the primary
key and two foreign keys; these are also forms of constraint (the second
foreign-key constraint refers to another table).
Examples of insert, update and delete; more below:
insert into employee2 values ('peter',
'dordal', '123456789', 29000.01, '012345678', 55);
delete from employee2 where fname='peter';
update employee2 set salary = 1.10 * salary where salary >=
The SQL select-from-where statement: EN7 §6.3 / EN6 §4.3
select columns
from table/join
where boolean condition
selecting rows
The tricky part is that queries can involve joins.
We will prefer the explicit-join notation in which the join condition is
moved to the from clause, but this still leaves one with
the challenge of figuring out exactly what tables need to be joined, and on
what attributes.
Note that SQL is a "nonimperative" language: it has (essentially) no
assignment operator. (Ok, you can save tables as intermediate results, but
you should not do that. For now.)
Two scenarios with join:
1. The "extension" case: table2 in
some sense extends information that could have been put in table1 except for
redundancies. For each row in table1, find the unique matching row in
table2. The join column in this case is likely to be a key in table2, and
declared as a foreign key in table1. Example, where table1 = employee and
table2 = department, and we want to extend employee records with the
department name:
select e.fname, e.lname, d.dname from
employee e, department d where e.dno =
2. The "relationship" case: table2
defines some relationship; it has a dual-column key and the join column is a
key in table1 and one of the key columns in table2. Example, where table1 is
again employee and table2 = works_on:
select e.fname, e.lname, w.pno from employee
e, works_on w where e.ssn = w.essn;
Actually, this case is exactly the same as the first, with table1 and table2
reversed: we are "extending" the works_on table records with the employee
name. Except that we tend to think of the employee table as representing things (people), and the works_on table
as representing relationships (who
works on what).
We can also have multiple matches in table2, or zero matches. Multiple
matches occur in the second example (technically, multiple rows in table1 in
the first example match the row in table2 with dnumber=5).
We can create a new table from an old one (or ones):
create table emp_names as select
fname,lname,ssn from employee;
select * from emp_names;
drop table emp_names;
Primary Keys
The primary key is a type of constraint: two records cannot be
inserted in the database with the same values for the key.
A table can have several keys; the "primary" key is the most natural one and
is usually the one by which the table is indexed. If a table represents an entity,
or thing, then the primary-key value is how we will identify the thing; for
example, an employee above can be identified by their SSN.
Foreign Keys
Key constraints are one kind of constraint. What about the use of dno in table Employees? It should be
clear that we want all dnos to refer to real departments, that is, to
match an existing dnumber in
table Department. This is done through a foreign
key constraint: we declare in table Employee that attribute dno
is a foreign key: a reference to
a key of another table. The declaration looks like
foreign key (dno) references
We can also give this constraint a name:
constraint FK_department_employee
foreign key (dno) references department(dnumber)
Note that the constraint here, in table Employee, applies to adding (or
updating) records in Employee, and also to deleting records in Department.
Here is another example, from the University database. In the Section table,
the key is Section_identifier. A typical constraint would be that we are not
allowed to have a record that has a Course_number value that is not found in
the Course table. This appears in the create
table declaration as follows:
table section (
int primary
key not null,
varchar(12) not null,
varchar(10) not null,
foreign key (course_number) references
The last line above means that in order to create a record in table section,
the course_number attribute
must match a pre-existing course_number
attribute of a row in table course.
The following should fail for the existing DB, as there is no course_number
with value "foo":
into section values (12345, 'foo', 'Fall', 2008, 'Wiggums');
delete from section where
instructor = 'Wiggums'
Not all versions of the file for creating the University DB have all the
above foreign key constraint in place. One way to check this in Postgres is
with \d section, or in MySQL
with describe section; or with show create table section;.
Similarly, in the GRADE_REPORT table, the primary key is ⟨Student_number,
Section_identifier⟩. Each of these attributes has a foreign-key constraint:
- Student_number must refer to a valid entry in the STUDENT table
- Section_identifier must refer to a valid entry in the SECTION table
In all these examples, the referenced attribute is a key (the primary
key, in fact) of its table: department(dno), course(course_number),
student(student_number), section(section_identifier). This is not strictly
an SQL requirement, but it is a Postgres requirement.
Foreign-key examples generated by ER diagrams are always of this
form, and it is hard to come up with legitimate examples that are not of
this form.
It is common practice to give names to foreign-key
constraints; this helps identify the source of constraint-related errors;
it's also easier to drop and add constraints if they have sensible names.
I gave names to the constraints in the university file, using the naming
Several naming conventions exist, and there are two problems with the
strategy above:
- the table and attribute names can themselves contain '_', leading to
parsing confusion
- The university prereqs table has two attributes that both have FK
constraints referring to course.course_number, meaning that the two
constraints would be assigned identical names with this convention.
Constraint names are included in SQL like this:
constraint_name foreign key course_number references
Back to the Employee table, above, with this constraint:
foreign key (dno) references
Here is how we give this constraint a name:
constraint FK_employee_department
foreign key (dno) references department(dnumber)
(This is a simpler naming convention from the earlier example; only the
parent table name is given.)
Here is an insert command that should fail due to a foreign-key
violation, as there is no department 6 (the delete command right after
undoes the addition):
insert into employee values ('ralph', null,
'wiggums', '121212121', null, null, null, null, null, 6);
delete from employee where lname = 'wiggums';
If this succeeds, the employee table probably has foreign key constraints
removed. You can see the constraints in
Postgres with "\d employee", and in MySQL with the command "show create
table employee" (which is different from "show table employee").
These constraints can be added back with:
alter table employee ADD foreign key
(super_ssn) references employee(ssn);
alter table employee ADD foreign key (dno) references department(dnumber);
They can be added back and given names with the following:
alter table employee ADD constraint
FK_employee_employee foreign key (super_ssn) references employee(ssn);
alter table employee ADD constraint FK_employee_department foreign key
(dno) references department(dnumber);
(The naming convention here is FK_childtable_parenttable, omitting the
attribute names entirely.)
The foreign-key declaration goes into the child table, and
includes a reference to a parent table: some column of the
child table is restricted to values that appear in the designated column of
the parent table. That is, with the second FK constraint above, involving
dno, table EMPLOYEE is the child table and table DEPARTMENT is the parent
table. (Of course, there is a different FK constraint, on
DEPARTMENT.mgr_ssn, making department the child and employee the parent!)
In principle, there is no reason to require that the foreign key
actually be a key in the other table. In practice, it almost always is; in
database schemas generated through so-called Entity-Relationship diagrams
it always is.
Foreign keys are notorious for introducing circularity
problems. What happens if we enforce foreign keys and try to load the
database as originally written? With all tables empty, we can't add any
employee because no dno value we might use would appear in the empty
Department table, and we cannot add a department because the mgr_ssn is a
foreign key referencing Employee.
Life can be quite frustrating if you forget this circularity problem. Once
two tables with a "foreign-key embrace" (each uses the other as a foreign
key) are created, they can be difficult to remove. Sometimes one has to
resort to dropping the entire database. If I load my file
company.brokenalter.text, these all fail:
- drop table employee;
- drop table department;
They fail because they break constraints! Dropping table department means
that the dno values in table employee are now illegally dangling. Note
that deleting a row in table department requires a search of the
employee table for all employees that might be members of that department.
Thus, an index on employee.dno is helpful for doing this efficiently.
See below for the on delete cascade option, which is
one approach to foreign key constraints
Another thing I can do is
- alter table department drop foreign key department_ibfk_1;
It turns out that the name MySQL assigns to my foreign-key
constraint from department.mgr_ssn to employee.ssn is
"department_ibfk_1". Some people like to assign their own names to
foreign-key constraints for this reason.
To drop table T, you must first drop all foreign key constraints from other
tables to T. After the constraint drop above, we can drop table employee.
The MySQL constraint name can be determined from show create
table department. Postscript shows all constraints with \d
Another MySQL-specific thing is this:
- set foreign_key_checks=0;
For a long time in MySQL, foreign-key constraints were not actually
enforced. This made certain DB "engines" faster, and in many cases
foreign-key constraints are easily implemented in the application logic.
However, Oracle eventually introduced the InnoDB engine
to MySQL, which became the default in July 2010, and this engine does
enforce foreign-key constraints. The Oracle and Postgres DBs have always
enforced foreign-key constraints.
A Look At Constraints
EN7 p 157 / EN6 p 67
Databases involve several kinds of constraints
0. Implicit constraints enforced by the table structure.
For example, an employee can be in only one department and have only one
supervisor and only one address, because there is a single column for each
of these attributes in the employee table.
1. Type constraints on column values
into section values ('hello', 'foo', 'Fall', 2008,
2. Key constraints: in each table,
any given declared key can occur in
only one row. This is not a property of a table at a particular moment, but
rather a rule that says that a second record with a duplicate key can
never be added.
into section values (85, 'foo', 'Fall', 2008, 'Wiggums');
3. Foreign-key constraints
(also called referential-integrity constraints):
Here's a list of the constraints:
- implicit constraints due to decomposition into tables (employees can
have only one department and only one supervisor)
- schema-based (explicit) constraints
- Domain constraints (above)
- primary
- foreign
- Triggers
- semantic constraints (business logic; eg "no manager is paid less than
one of their supervisees")
Implicit constraints
Implicit constraints may seem relatively "weak", but they are at the heart
of database consistency. For example, suppose we add an address column to
the student table in the University database. As long as
one student can be represented by only one row in this table (eg because the
key for the table is Student_number), we cannot have the same student with
two addresses.
Now suppose instead we redesigned the database to include the student name
and address directly into the GRADE_REPORT table, along with the
Student_number. This is slightly wasteful of space, but that is a minor
concern. The more serious problem is that this now allows inconsistency:
we can have student 17 have two different addresses in two different records
(for two different section_numbers, or even two different names.
This is the data-consistency
problem that the relational model was so successful at solving. If tables
are designed appropriately, the potential for duplicate entries is simply eliminated.
Here's another view of inconsistency. Suppose we have a table with records
like the following::
Purchase, CustomerName, CustomerAddr
This allows us to have two records for two different purchases, one with
purchase1, Peter, LakeShore
and one with
purchase2, Peter, WaterTower
Oops! Peter is now getting duplicate mailings (at least if the wrong one is
To prevent inconsistency, relationships are "factored" (more on this later)
into multiple tables so as to prevent this. In this case, we would want a
table of CustomerName and CustomerAddr (perhaps also with CustomerID), and a
second table with columns Purchase
and CustomerID. Now it is not possible
to have one customer with two addresses.
There are four kinds of constraints supported directly by SQL:
- column type
- not null
- primary key
- foreign key
Foreign key constraints: what happens if we insert the dname,dnumber for a
department, then add employees, then do one of the following:
- delete the dept record
- update it, changing the dnumber from 4 to 40
Here is the example (from EN7 p 185 / EN6 p 95 (Figure 6.2/4.2), but with
differently named constraints) illustrating on delete and
on update.
create table department2 (
dname varchar(20),
dnumber int,
mgr_ssn char(9) not null default '888665555',
mgr_start date,
constraint dept_primary_key primary key (dnumber),
constraint dept_secondary_key unique (dname),
constraint dept_mgr_foreign_key
foreign key (mgr_ssn) references
delete set default
update cascade
Named constraints mean that you will be told what constraint is violated.
This is less helpful than it seems. Named constraints also means that
constraints can be deleted by name.
Now look at the on delete / on update
clauses. These refer to the foreign-key constraint dept_mgr_foreign_key,
which requires that the mgr_ssn value be present in the ssn column of
table employee. We use these clauses to specify what happens to table
department if the corresponding employee.ssn value is deleted or updated.
There are four options; the first two are the most common:
- cascade
- restrict (or no action)
- set default
- set null
The on delete set default specification means is that
if we delete an employee e from the employee db who is a dept manager (ie
that employee's ssn is used as department.mgr_ssn for some row), then the
mgr_ssn is set to the default value of 888665555 (which is Mr Borg).
If we instead wrote on delete cascade, then deleting
the employee would result in also deleting the employee's department, in a
"cascade" of deletes. (This is probably not what we want here.)
Similarly, the on update specification means that if we
update an employee entry to
correct a department manager's ssn, then that corrected value is cascaded
into the appropriate row(s) of the department table. Cascading in this
case is probably what we want.
There is also the restrict option: on delete
restrict would disallow the deletion of an employee who is a
department manager. It is very similar to the default no action
option, though the error action occurs at a slightly different place
(especially if multiple sql statements have been combined into a single transaction).
The set null option would set the department.mgr_ssn
field to null, but we have a not null constraint on that
field so it can't.
To demonstrate the on update cascade, let's insert
some entries:
insert into employee values ('Ralph', 'I',
'Wiggum', '123212327', null, null, 'M', 28000, '888665555', 1);
insert into department2 values ('foo', 37, '123212321', null);
Now let's change Ralph's ssn:
update employee set ssn='123212322' where
We can now verify that the mgr_ssn in department2 is now changed.
The dependent table might be a good place to use on
delete cascade, in the foreign-key constraint on dependent.essn
that requires it to match an employee.ssn value. This would mean that when
we delete an employee, the employee's dependents are automatically
deleted. There is always a place, however, for requiring that dependents
be removed before the employee is removed, or, more or less
equivalently, asking "This employee has dependents. Confirm removal?"
Maybe employee records should never be removed, but simply moved
to an inactive_employee table.
Insert, Delete and Update
insert into department values ('Sales', 6,
'888665555', '2012-01-19');
update department set mgr_ssn = '333445555' where dnumber = 6;
delete from department where dnumber = 6;
See operations in section EN7 5.3 / EN6 3.3:
Inserts: these must not violate key constraints or fkey constraints
If we are inserting a new employee, we can't
reuse an existing ssn and we can't have dno be a nonexistent department
Deletes: can never violate key constraints, only fkey constraints in
another table.
We can't delete department 4 in the
Department table until all employees of department 4 have been removed
from the Employee table
of key value; can violate key constraints, or fkey
constraints in another table (eg changing dnumber)
of fkey value: can violate fkey constraints
non-key/fkey operations are safe
(There are more demos below in the Chapter 6/4 material)
insert into employee values ('ralph', 'j',
'wiggums', '123456798', NULL, NULL, 'M', 9999, '333445555', 7);
delete from employee where ssn = '123456798';
update employee set dno = 107 where ssn =
'333445555'; // originally dno = 5 here
update employee set dno = 5 where ssn = '333445555';
insert into tablename values
(f1val, f2val, ... , fnval);
You can also name columns:
insert into employee(fname, lname, ssn, dno) values
('john', 'smith', 345678912, 4);
Finally, instead of values you can provide a select query that returns a set
of rows from some existing table, with matching "type signature" (matching
column types).
Inserts can violate all four constraints.
insert into employee(fname,lname,ssn,dno)
values ('robert', 'Hatcher', '456789123', 2);
insert into employee(fname,lname,dno)
values ('robert', 'Hatcher', 5);
Basic form:
update employee
set salary = salary*1.10
where dno = 5;
Updates can also violate all four constraints, though the not
null constraint can be violated only by setting a column to null,
and the primary key constraint can only be violated by updating the primary
key. Foreign key constraints are relatively easy to violate, though.
delete from tablename where boolean condition selecting rows
Here, we can only violate foreign key constraints, eg by deleting from table
department the department of some
existing worker.
SQL data types
- INT (etc)
- Boolean
- DATE (& TIME, etc)
- blobs
The DATE format is yyyy-mm-dd, eg 2013-01-27. This is actually standardized
by ISO 8601. The United States usage, mm-dd-yyyy, was apparently used in
England as well until the 20th century, when England switched to dd-mm-yyyy
for greater consistency with the rest of Europe. See
Dates in MySQL are entered as if they were strings, but they are most
certainly not stored that way. Try inserting a record with date
'07-04-1980'; MySQL will give up and set the date (silently!) to zero.
Table Joins
Suppose in the university database we want to know the names of everyone in
section 112. (A peculiarity of the specific data given as example is that no
section has more than one student!) The GRADE_REPORT table has only student
numbers; we need to match these up with names from the STUDENT table. This
operation, of matching corresponding rows of different tables, is known as
the join. Here is the SQL for the
query, where the join condition is
in bold:
from student s join grade_report
gr on s.student_number =
where gr.section_identifier = 112;
We are retrieving records from two
tables here, but restricting attention to pairs of records that "match up"
according to the join condition. That is, the s record of a student and the
gr record from grade_report both refer to the same student.
The join can also be done with the following older, implicit-join syntax:
select from student s, grade_report
where s.student_number =
gr.student_number and gr.section_identifier = 112;
Finally, maybe we want the name and the grade:
select, gr.grade from student s join
grade_report gr
on s.student_number = gr.student_number
where gr.section_identifier = 112;
One way to understand how the join is
constructed here is to start with the question and figure out the tables
needed. We want to know the names of everyone in section 112. The section
table is a dead end, because it offers no connection to students. But the
grade_report table connects section_identifier values
with student_number values. To convert the latter to names, we
join with the student table. The join condition is then
the condition that matches up corresponding records; that is, records
referring to the same student; that is, records with the same value for
The join operation was once derided as introducing too much inefficiency.
Technical advances in the 1980's made this issue less important, but the
rise of huge datasets in this century has made this again relevant.
SQL examples
Some queries here are from Ramakrishnan & Gehrke 2002 but are modified
to be appropriate for E&N's Company database; the others are from
E&N directly.
The E&N example numbering is peculiar because the book was radically
restructured with the 6th Edition, and examples kept their numbers from
previous editions.
Find all employees with salary >= 30000
select * from employee where salary >=
select e.fname, e.lname, e.salary from
employee e where e.salary >=30000;
Note the use of the e table alias.
I recommend this style for readabililty. You can think of e
as a variable that ranges over all the rows, though it looks syntactically
more like it represents a table.
Query 2 of E&N
(EN7 p189 / EN6 p100)
For every project located in Stafford, list the project number, the
controlling department number, and the department manager's lname,
address, bdate.
This query will start with the project
table, which connects project location with project number and
controlling-department number. To find the department manager, we will
need the department table, which contains mgr_ssn. We
then need the employee table to get from mgr_ssn to
name, address and bdate.
The join condition for project
p and department d is p.dnum = d.dnumber; we want the
department record that corresponds to the project. The
join condition for department d and employee
e is d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn; we are trying to find out more about the
employee whose ssn is d.mgr_ssn.
Here is the solution as written in E&N, without table-alias variables:
select pnumber, dnum, lname, address, bdate
from project, department, employee
where dnum = dnumber and mgr_ssn = ssn and plocation = 'Stafford';
Note that this is a dual-join
Here is the (much preferred!) version with table-alias variables and
explicit joins:
select p.pnumber, p.dnum,
e.lname, e.address, e.bdate
from project p join department d on p.dnum = d.dnumber join employee e
on d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn
where p.plocation = 'Stafford';
Find the list of supervisor ssns (that is, omit duplicates)
select distinct
e.super_ssn from employee e;
Looking at the output, it might be good to add "where e.super_ssn is not
Find all employees
(by name) who have worked on project 2
(Note that in our works_on table, no (employee, project) pair can occur
more than once, because that is the key. That is, we cannot have a record
saying that '333445555' works on project 10 for 7 hours, and another
record saying '333445555' works on project 10 for 5 hours. We have to
consolidate them into a single record showing 12 hours of work. Compare
the solution to obtaining a list of employees who have worked on project
2, where the table is works_on_by_week: ⟨essn, pno, week,
We are going to join the employee
e table with the works_on w table. We get
the w.essn values with "select w.essn from works_on w where w.pno = 2".
The join to employee is to get the employee names. The
join condition is then w.essn = e.ssn.
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e join
works_on w on e.ssn = w.essn where w.pno = 2;
We could also have written it without an explicit join as follows:
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e,
works_on w where e.ssn = w.essn and w.pno = 2;
Find all employees, by name, who have
worked >20 hours on a project
Here the table we will start with is works_on
w, which gives the hours each employee worked on each
project. That gives w.essn as the identity of the employee. To get
employee names, we need to join w to employee e, and
the join condition is w.essn = e.ssn. As usual, this guarantees that the
employee that w is referring to is the employee described by e.
select e.fname, e.lname, w.pno, w.hours from
employee e join works_on w on e.ssn = w.essn
where w.hours >20;
Now let's look at two different joins
between employee e and department d.
For the first, we want a list of each employee together with the name of
the department. From the employee table we get e.dno,
but we need to join with department on e.dno =
d.dnumber. The purpose of the join condition is to require that the
department actually matches the employee:
select e.lname,
d.dname from employee e join department d on e.dno = d.dnumber;
Next, let's create a list of each
department name and manager name. The primary table here is department
d, and the values are d.dname and d.mgr_ssn. But the latter
isn't a name, and we convert it by looking up d.mgr_ssn in the employee
e table. That is, the join condition is d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn:
select d.dname,
e.lname from employee e join department d on e.ssn = d.mgr_ssn;
Another difference between these two
queries, besides the join conditions, is that in the first we get a
record for each employee, and in the second we get a record for each
Finally, here's a third example: we want a
list of each employee, by name, and the name of their department
manager. We start with the employee e table, and join
to the department d table to get the d.mgr_ssn value
corresponding to e; the join condition is e.dno = d.dnumber, so d is e's
department. Next, we need to join again to the employee
table to get the name corresponding to d.mgr_ssn; we will use the table
alias employee m, m for manager. The join condition is
d.mgr_ssn = m.ssn (that is, m is the manager of d). Here is the query:
select e.lname,
m.lname from employee e join department d on e.dno = d.dnumber
join employee m on d.mgr_ssn = m.ssn;
This is two joins.
EN Query 4: List all
project numbers of projects involving employee 'Smith', either as manager
or worker
Note that projects are managed by the manager of the project's controlling
department. One approach is to use the union keyword:
(select distinct p.pnumber
from project p join department d on p.dnum=d.dnumber join employee e on
d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn
where e.lname = 'Smith')
(select distinct w.pno
from works_on w join employee e on w.essn = e.ssn
where e.lname = 'Smith');
Above this is done with two separate joins.
The first involves conecting the departments managed by Smith, and then
the projects controlled by those departments. To find the department(s)
managed by Smith, we use employee e and department
d. Smith is the record with e.lname = 'Smith'; the ssn is
then e.ssn. Smith manages d if e.ssn = d.mgr_ssn, which is shown above
as the second join since the order of joins does not matter. We also
join with table project p to find the projects
associated with d; that is, the projects with p.dnum = d.dnumber.
The table that is "in between" project
p and employee e is department d,
relating p and e.
The second join looks for projects Smith
has worked on. Here we will need the works_on w table
and the employee e table. The w.pno attribute gives
the project number for the employee e with w.essn = e.ssn, and we don't
need any additional information from the project table.
Smith, however, hasn't managed any projects. It works better for Wong. To
make the change simpler, we introduce "query variables" for this.
set @name = 'Wong';
-- MySQL notation; then
use @name in the query
\set name '\'Wong\''
-- Postgres
notation; then use :name. There is no terminating
(select distinct p.pnumber
from project p join department d on p.dnum=d.dnumber join employee e on
d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn
where e.lname = :name)
(select distinct w.pno
from works_on w join employee e on w.essn = e.ssn
where e.lname = :name);
(select distinct p.pnumber
from project p join department d on p.dnum=d.dnumber join employee e on
d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn
where e.lname = @NAME)
(select distinct w.pno
from works_on w join employee e on w.essn = e.ssn
where e.lname = @NAME);
Here is a version using a conventional implicit join. Sort of.
select distinct p.pnumber
from project p, department d, employee e, works_on w
WHERE e.lname = @NAME AND (
(d.dnumber = p.dnum and d.mgr_ssn = e.ssn)
(p.pnumber = w.pno and w.essn = e.ssn))
There is in fact something very unconventional about this join: we
can't decide what tables are being joined! The first of the OR clauses in
the where section joins tables project, department
and employee; the second OR clause joins tables project, works_on
and employee. In fact, we cannot do this using the explicit-join notation.
EN Query 12, Find all employees with address in Houston,
To do this, we have to use substrings and the LIKE operator:
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e
where e.address LIKE '%Houston TX%';
Note the uncertainty; if someone put two spaces in, we're in trouble.
E&N did use commas in
addresses; I did not.
Query 12A: find all employees born in the
EN way: too clever by half:
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e
where e.bdate LIKE '195_-__-__';
For one thing, Oracle has a different standard date format than MySQL. (I
added dashes to my pattern, hopefully for clarity.)
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e
where e.bdate between '1950-01-01' and '1959-12-31';
Note that dates are entered as strings, but they are indeed parsed by MySQL
and Postgres, and are stored numerically.
EN Query 14: Find employees with salary between $30,000
and $40,000
select e.fname, e.lname from employee e
where e.salary between 30000 and 40000;
EN Query 15: Introduces order
by (also a triple-join)
Give a list of employees and the
projects they are working on, ordered by department, and, within
departments, ordered alphabetically by lname, fname.
As usual, we start with the works_on
w table, which lists employees and the projects they are
working on by number. To get the employee name, we will join to employee
e on e.ssn = w.essn. To get the project name, we will join to
project p on w.pno = p.pnumber.
We are also asked for the department name;
to get that, we will join employee to department
d, with join condition e.dno = d.dnumber.
select d.dname, e.lname, e.fname, p.pname
from department d join employee e on d.dnumber = e.dno
join works_on w on e.ssn = w.essn
join project p on w.pno = p.pnumber
order by d.dname, e.lname, e.fname;