Installation Instructions for installing MySQL 5.5 under Windows:

Downloads for the MySQL Community Server are at

Skip the Sign Up.

Download and Run the MSI file (depending on 32 bit or 64 bit). Accept the license. Choose "typical" installation. You may have to install a .NET package first.

Before you click "finish", select "Launch MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard"

The MySQL configuration wizard opens up. Click on the "next" button to proceed.

I recommend selecting "Standard Configuration" (actually, the server-only configuration should work just fine, and be smaller)

Select both of the following:
The second option is not selected by default. If you do not choose it, you will be unable to start MySQL in a cmd window by typing "mysql"; you will need to type the full path, or create a .bat file, or add the MySQL bin directory to your PATH later.

I strongly recommend that you provide a "root" password; you should not let this account be passwordless. It's not about security per se, but the risk that you'll forget which account you're using and do too many things as root.

I also strongly recommend not creating an anonymous account. These lead to difficult-to-resolve conflicts.

After choosing appropriate options in the following screens; click on 'INSTALL'

Click FINISH to complete the installation and open MySQL instance configuration window.

Now open a "cmd" window and type "mysql --user root -p". After entering the password, this should get you a root mysql shell. Create an account as per the Week 1 class notes:

mysql> create user myname identified by 'cranberry';
    (or: create user myname @ localhost identified by 'cranberry';
mysql> create database mydb
mysql> grant all on mydb.* to myname;

Now exit the root mysql session. Start your own session with "mysql -u myname". Add "-p" if you created a password for yourself. Once you are in, type "use mydb". You can test that you have sufficient privileges by typing (or pasting in)

    create table test (ident integer, name varchar(9));
    insert into test values (3, 'whatever');
    select * from test;
    drop table test;

Installation of MySQL on a Macintosh

After the actual installation, the mysql program will not automatically be included in your PATH. This means that, while you'll be able to start MySQL from the applications menu, it won't start from the command line. This makes it very hard to use the source command to load files.

To add the mysql directory to your PATH, first find the directory where the mysql binary is located. If you are lucky, there will at least be a symbolic link for the directory /usr/local/mysql. In this case, start up a bash shell and, in your home directory, edit the file .profile (it may not exist). Add the following line:


Then save, and close the bash window. Start a new bash window, and it should find the mysql command.

MySQL notes for Linux

The linux filesystem is case sensitive. If you want table names to be case-insensitive, edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf to add the following in the mysqld section:


The mysqld section is the section beginning [mysqld], up until the following section.

Then restart your mysql server (eg with /etc/init.d/mysql restart).

MySQL Server configuration

While you should not have to change this, here are some hints for configuring with the MySQL Server Instance configuration Wizard, click 'NEXT'. These are probably only necessary if for some reason you are installing an older version of MySQL; the innodb database engine is the default in version 5.5.

Select 'Reconfigure Instance' and click 'Next'

Select 'Detailed Configuration' and click 'Next'

Select 'Developer Machine' and click 'Next'

Select 'Multifunctional Database' and click 'Next'

Select the drive and directory where the InnoDB table space should be placed and click 'Next'( recommended to leave as Default)

Select 'Online Transaction Processing(OLTP)' and click 'Next'

Enable TCP/IP Networking. A default port number '3306' is present. Add firewall exception for the port.

Select 'Standard Character Set' and click 'Next'

Select 'Install As Windows Service' and 'Include Bin Directory in Windows Path(optional) and click 'Next'

Under 'Modify Security Settings' enter a root password and retype it in the box below and click 'Next'

Click 'Execute' and it will install and set up.

Installing Oracle 11g on windows:

(I'm not quite sure to what version these rules apply)

Note-You may have to create a free account before you can download, and to do that you must sign up for at least one mailing list (you can cancel later)

Files can be downloaded from

Accept license agreement and Download both parts of zip files and unzip them in a single folder.

Click on 'Setup' and the installation should begin.

The setup consists of 8 steps.

Step 1: enter your email address and click 'Next'. No need for security updates.

Step 2: select 'create and configure a database' and click 'Next'

Step 3: Select 'Desktop Class' and click 'Next'

Step 4: Recommended keeping basic configuration, enter Administrative password and confirm it. Click 'Next'

(Note-The installer will check for appropriate complexity of the password, it should be 8 characters long with upper case, lower case and also consist of a numeric)

Step 6: Summary is produced which is recommended to be saved. Click 'Finish'

Step 7: Installation should begin. (Can take some time to finish)

Step 8: Installation of Oracle Database should be successful.

A new window pops up with the option to manage the root password. I recommend changing it.

Go to the start menu in desktop and click on oracle-OraDb11g_home1 → Database control

Enter username and password. Connect as 'SYSDBA'

You should LOGIN.

For pictorial installation guide can be found at