Enterprise Networking Week 13
Spring 2023, Mondays 4:15-6:45 in Crown 105
April 24
Reno teeth
Ways to assess services
Assessing Email:
- Test reachability at port 25
- Test response from port 25
- Actually send an email
- Actually send an email from somewhere else
SNMP tables
- get_bulk
- sparse tables
- some examples: mib2
- ASN.1 BER encoding
- SNMP set vs get; set: all or
nothing; security implications
- SNMPv2 changes
- GetBulk
- Index columns
- TestAndIncr
- SNMPv2 MIB changes: sysORTable, IF-MIB
- ifXTable and ETHERLIKE mib
- BRIDGE mib and tracking users
- Etherlike-mib
- row creation
- RMON example
- PING-mib
- SNMPv1 communities
- SNMPv3