Week of Feb 21
Homework 4:
3a: stars-and-bars for picking six jellybeans from among five flavors. What is indistinguishable? The flavors are distinguishable.
Here's another way of looking at it: let's distribute six identical pebbles in front of the five jars of distinguishable jelly beans. This is exactly the same as distributing six identical cookies to five children, and is done with six stars and 5-1 = 4 bars.
Now just trade in each pebble for one of that flavor of jelly bean, and we've converted this to the original problem!
2bc: starting with a0 vs starting with a1
2.1.6: more summation
p 148: Investigate!
Arithmetic sequences: constant difference
Geometric sequences: constant ratio
Example 2.2.1: arithmetic sequences
Example 2.2.2: geometric sequences
Sums of arithmetic and geometric sequences
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100
Proof by induction: 1 + 2 + ... + N = N(N+1)/2
Example 2.2.4: reverse-and-add, often easier than reducing to triangle numbers
Example 2.2.5
Example 2.2.6 on Levin p 154
Let bk = 1+3k. Then the sum
an = 2 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + · · · + (1 + 3(n−1))
can be rewritten as
an =2 + b0 + b1 + ... + bn-1.
Written this way it is clearer that there are n terms of the form bk here, ranging from 0 to (n-1).
Evaluate 1+2+4+...+512
Example 2.2.7
Example 2.2.8
Example 2.2.9
S = 0.464646.... When we subtract from 100S, we get +46 on the right, but there is no minus term. Why?
Let bN = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + N2
Is bN an arithmetic sequence? No, but look at the second differences.
Find a closed formula for bN.
What about 13 + 23 + 33 + ... + N3?
If the n-th differences are constant, then ak can be expressed as a polynomial in k of degree n, and the sums can be expressed as a polynomial of degree n+1.
Investigate!, page 167
Start here Wednesday
def a(n):
if n== 0: return 1
if n==1: return 2
return 5*a(n-1) - 6*a(n-2)
def b(n):
if n== 0: return 1
if n==1: return 3
return 5*b(n-1) - 6*b(n-2)
def c(n):
if n== 0: return 1
if n==1: return 4
return 5*c(n-1) - 6*c(n-2)
Example 2.4.2, p 168; proof by induction
Example 2.4.3: an = an-1 + n. This is a constant 2nd-difference sequence. Use telescoping.
Example 2.4.4: same problem, alternative approach
Example 2.4.5: introduce a factor: an = 3*an-1 + 2. Note Levin's algebra restart!
def a(n):
if n== 0: return 1
return 3*a(n-1) + 2
Characteristic roots: works when an+1 is the sum of a linear combination of the two previous terms an and an-1.
Example 2.4.6
Example at start of chapter: an = 5*an-1 - 6*an-2
Fibonacci example, Levin p 173
import math
def s(n):
return (pow(phi,n)-pow(pho,n))/math.sqrt(5)
for i in range(20):
Postage in Investigate!
Example 2.5.1: triangle numbers
Example 2.5.2: 6n-1 is divisible by 5
Example 2.5.3: n2 < 2n for n>=5
Warning: Canadians
Euclidean algorithm theorem: for integers a and b<a, we can find q and r so a=qb+r