Comp 163 Week 5 notes

Page 100 Exercise 4: simplified version (no point at origin)

    (a choose 2)(b choose 1) + (a choose 1)(b choose 2)
    (a+b choose 3) - (a choose 3) - (b choose 3)

Stars and bars:

Mostly this does not matter.

Page 106: Example 1.5.1: 10 flavors, 6 scoops. Analogous to 10 kids, 6 cookies [!]

    The 10 flavors / 10 kids are distinguishable. The scoop order and cookie type are not.

Page 106: Example 1.5.2

    Note how we handle the non-decreasing nature of the digits

Page 107: Example 1.5.3

    Integer solutions to the equation

Page 112 (PIE): 1.6.1

    Alberto, Bernadette and Carlos, and 11 cookies. Nobody gets more than 4.


1.6.4: Derangements do not do

Counting Techniques Summary

Additive: if you're making one choice from either of two disjoint sets
2-set PIE: if the sets are not disjoint

Multiplicative: if you're making two choices, one from each set, and the order matters (or can be inferred)

Count the complement and subtract (variation of additive rule)

Count with multiplicity, then divide, like the permutations/combinations trick

variants of counting subsets: counting lattice paths, bitstrings

Stars and bars: counting how many ways you can divide M identical things among N bins

3-set PIE

Chapter 2: Sequences

Tower of Hanoi


Example 2.1.1: what is the pattern?

Factorials, triangle numbers

Recursively defined sequences

Example 2.1.2

Python example like 2.1.2 third sequence (but note differences); compare to sixth sequence

import math
def s(n):
    return (pow(phi,n)-pow(pho,n))/math.sqrt(5)
for i in range(20):

Recursive (or inductive) definitions

Example 2.1.3

def a(n):
    if n==0: return 3
if n==1: return 4
return 2*a(n-1) - a(n-2)

But there is a much simpler way to calculate a(n)!

p 140:

Example 2.1.4: first step is to identify the patterns

2.1.5: summation notation

2.1.6: more summation

2.2: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

p 148: Investigate!

Example 2.2.1: arithmetic sequences

Example 2.2.2: geometric sequences

Sums of arithmetic and geometric sequences

1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100

Example 2.2.4

Example 2.2.5

Example 2.2.6: fix


Example 2.2.7

Example 2.2.8

Example 2.2.9

    S = 0.464646.... When we subtract from 100S, we get +46 on the right, but there is no minus term. Why?

2.3: Polynomial Fitting


Example 2.2.6 on Levin p 154

Let bk = 1+3k. Then the sum

an = 2 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + · · · + (1 + 3(n−1))

can be rewritten as

an =2 + b0 + b1 + ... + bn-1.

Written this way it is clearer that there are n terms of the form bk here, ranging from 0 to (n-1).

Homework 4 questions

Proof by induction: 1 + 2 + ... + N = N(N+1)/2

Find 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + N2.

2.4: Recurrence Relations

Investigate!, page 167

def a(n):
    if n== 0: return 1
    if n==1: return 2
    return 5*a(n-1) - 6*a(n-2)
def b(n):
    if n== 0: return 1
    if n==1: return 3
    return 5*b(n-1) - 6*b(n-2)

def c(n):
    if n== 0: return 1
    if n==1: return 4
    return 5*c(n-1) - 6*c(n-2)

Example 2.4.2, p 168

Example 2.4.3: an = an-1 + n

Example 2.4.4: same problem, alternative approach

Example 2.4.5: introduce a factor: an = 3*an-1 + 2. Make a guess?

def a(n):
    if n== 0: return 1
    return 3*a(n-1) + 2


Characteristic roots

Example 2.4.6

Example at start of chapter: an = 5*an-1 - 6*an-2

Fibonacci example

2.5: Mathematical Induction

Postage in Investigate!

Example 2.5.1: triangle numbers

Example 2.5.2: 6n-1 is divisible by 5

Example 2.5.3: n2 < 2n for n>=5

Warning: Canadians

Euclidean algorithm theorem: for integers a and b<a, we can find q and r so a=qb+r