Error Correction

Error-correcting codes

(not on the final)

1. Triple-bit voting: send 111 for 1, 000 for 0. Very inefficient!

2. Example 6.9 in Stallings 8th edition (not, alas, in 7th):
data    codeword
00    00000
01    00111
10    11001
11    11110

The Hamming distance between two codewords is the number of bit positions where the bits are unequal. Any pair of two codewords above are different in at least three bit positions; that is, the Hamming distance is at least three. If a single bit is flipped, there is a unique "closest" codeword (in the sense of Hamming distance) to the received codeword; we can figure out what the original codeword had to have been.

Note that in this example we are transmitting 5 bits to communicate 2 bits; this is only slightly more efficient than the triple-bit-voting mechanism where we would transmit 6 bits to communicate 2 bits.

3. 2-D parity

4. Hamming code (used for error-correcting ram, etc)

8 data bits, 4 check bits
16 data bits, 5 check bits
2^n data bits, n+1 check bits

10101101     data
1 1 1 0 |1    parity of bits with last bit (0th bit) of position = 0
10  11  |1    parity of bits with 1th bit of position = 0
1010    |0    parity of first half
10101101|1    parity of entire thing

Verify we can recover from any 1-bit error in the data

What happens if the second parity bit is a 0?

Reed-Solomon codes (used on CDs, DVDs, etc)  (NOT DISCUSSED)

Given k data values (eg k=223), send n>k transmitted values as follows.
Let k data values be a[0]...a[k-1].
Form the polynomial P(X) = a[0] + a[1]X + a[2]X2 + ... + a[k-1]Xk-1
Evaluate P at points x0...x(n-1), and send those values.
Use a "finite field" so there's no roundoff.
Each field value (xi or ai) is a multi-bit symbol.

Max correction: (n-k)/2, which is pretty good. n-k = # of extra bits.

RS works well for burst errors (hence CDs/DVDs); not as efficient as others for single-bit errors