Adding ACKs to Simplex-Talk

This project is for those with undergraduate registration; that is, those who are registered for Comp 343.

I have modified and to support message numbers: a 16-bit field at the start of each packet. The format of each message packet is now as follows:
   |16 bit msg_id|    string             |
The format of the ACK packet is this (there is no other "header"):
   |16 bit msg_id|
The new files are here:
You are to implement acknowledgements. The server should send a packet consisting of just the 16-bit message_id. The client should not send a new message until the server has acknowledged the previous one. The client should time out and retransmit the previous message if it has not received an acknowledgement within 2.0 seconds.

The server should, in principle, be able to handle two clients simultaneously, sending appropriate ACKs to each.

The files above provide getmsgnum(byte []) and setmsgnum(byte[], short). These assume that the architecture uses little-endian byte order. That includes Intel; if anyone is working on anything else, let me know.

For testing, you will probably want to run both the client and the server on the same machine. To this end, the default destination for the client is localhost.

In a separate file, answer these questions: