Computer Ethics, Sum 2021

Class 10 Readings

June 24

Read Baase chapter 2 on privacy and chapter 3 on free speech.

Start reading the material in Chapter 4 on software patents


The truth does matter:

Department of No Surprises

Google extends Chrome support for third-party cookies from 2021 to 2023:

To be fair, Google's FLoC advertising-targeting scheme is not quite ready for the big time.

But it's soo hard to stop!

Facebook's systems are still recommending political groups, despite a pledge to stop:

Just what is a political group? Is Occupy Wall Street one? Black Lives Matter?

New York State privacy law

Not very long! And not very focused on noncommercial invasions of privacy. (There are also sections 50B-50E, but they do not add much.)

YouTube Rules Used To Silence Human-Rights Activists

The video testimony of Xinjiang families includes showing identity documents. But YouTube bans doxxing.

It is not clear if China is using the YouTube complaint process to trigger the takedowns, but it seems plausible.

A big part of the problem is the extremely limited available human review of takedown decisions.


        Start with ARM and patents.

Just what is hacking?