Computer Ethics, Spring 2022

Week 14, Apr 26

Class 14 Readings

Read chapter 5 sections on crime.

EU targets Big Tech

The EU bans hate speech and some forms of disinformation. The EU Digital Services Act has reached fial form, and would establish significant penalties for failing to take down "illegal" content. It would also ban advertising targeting based on religion, health and sexual orientation.

A great discussion of Elon Musk's proposed (at the time) purchase of Twitter, by Techdirt's Mike Masnick

Musk appears to be breathtakingly clueless about the implications of his proposed purchase.

Senators want to mandate anti-piracy technology across the web

That is, sites that accept user-contributed content would have to install something like ContentID.

What could possibly go wrong?

Google "has invested over $100 million on Content ID"

The Monopoly on your Mind: only six companies control 90% of mainstream news

Mostly this is due to business consolidation, but Big Tech has played a role



Continue with Crime: Randal Schwartz

Software Patents

Start with Blackberry v NTP.

NTP: what is the invention here? My argument is that all the pieces were "obvious", but that what was not obvious was that you could sign up enough subscribers at $50/month to make the service worthwhile.

Patent Trolls

Business Methocs

KSR v Teleflex



