Computer Ethics Paper 2

Due: Monday, April 3, 2017

Topic option 1: FaceBook Regulation

(Ok, not just Facebook, but that title looks better than, say, "Regulation")

Should FaceBook, and other large online services with intrusive information-collection practices, be subject to some form of governmental regulation? Should they be pressured to regulate internally? Most proposals call for privacy-related regulation, though there are also many calls for these large online firms to provide some sort of helpdesk to assist people wrongly locked out.

Some people believe FaceBook should be more responsible for filtering out false stories, though falsity is to some degree in the eye of the beholder.

FaceBook is quite aggressive in using its information about its users to make them spend more time on FaceBook. Here's an excerpt from,

Take a hypothetical Facebook user, Jimmy. Jimmy tends to scroll Facebook on his phone for 5 minutes, then close the app. Facebook knows that Jimmy likes posts from his friend Steve, because he tends to leave positive comments on them. Next time Jimmy reaches the 5-minute mark, Facebook shows him a post from Steve. Jimmy leaves a comment, scrolls for a bit longer, then quits the app at the 8-minute mark. Facebook also knows that Jimmy is crushing on Jenny – he tends to linger whenever she shows up on his Instagram feed, even if he doesn’t like or comment. Next time Jimmy’s at the 8-minute mark, Facebook shows him a post from Jenny. This pattern continues, and Jimmy’s Facebook use grows from 5 minutes a day to 15.

Of course, Jimmy himself is happy. Facebook takes care of that!

Some more concrete proposals have included:

Facebook and others are all private companies, but there is ample precedent for enacting basic regulations.

Another issue many people talk about is that if someone's account is blocked, they often have no recourse. Even Paypal, which handles actual money for users, provides no easy way to reach them. The usual argument is that large Internet sites have taken on the character of a public utility. Sandra Nyaira, a journalist in Zimbabwe, had her FaceBook account closed in 2016 due to a misunderstanding; it took eight months and widespread coverage on Hacker News before FaceBook reached out to Nyairi and reinstated her. Nyairi had tried to contact FaceBook from the beginning, but got nowhere. (

Traditional regulations -- mandatory rules -- sometimes add unnecessary costs to a business, and make it harder to be flexible when future competitive challenges arise. However, a regulatory framework can be made "optional" in the sense that the safe-harbor protections of §230 and the DMCA are optional: if sites follow some basic rules, they have immunity, or some other legal protection. In that sense, Topic 1 is about a setting in which businesses do not currently have a safe-harbor law while Topic 2, below, is about a setting with an existing safe-harbor law.

Topic option 2: Defamation Policy

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act has made it nearly impossible to take down user-posted content. This, along with the DMCA, has enabled the rise of third-party-content sites. Some of these are mainstream, such as YouTube and Wikipedia. Some, like Reddit, are known for the freedom provided for users to say what they want. And some, like The Dirty, are simply in the business of encouraging salacious gossip.

The original goal of §230, however, was to protect sites that did family-friendly editing. Has §230 gone too far? If not, try to identify the important principles behind §230 and defend them. If so, outline some sort of alternative, and explain whether your alternative should be based on regulation -- and if so how this would be implemented -- or on voluntary website cooperation. As an example of the latter, note how Google has limited visibility of user posts on YouTube, and made it harder to post anonymously.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Compuserve escaped liability because they did no editing of user-posted content. Should this position continue to receive the highest protection, or should some limited editing of user-posted content be considered the norm?

Should new §230 rules require some element of family-friendly editing, or editing to attain some other socially appropriate goal? If a site engages in some form of editing of user-posted content, under what circumstances should the site escape liability?

Should sites that "encourage" inappropriate posts, by explicit and intentional policy, be held responsible?

Should there be a take-down requirement for disparaging posts? If so, how would you protect sites from celebrities or politicians who wanted nothing negative about them to appear on the Internet?

Your paper (either topic) will be graded primarily on organization (that is, how you lay out your sequence of paragraphs), focus (that is, whether you stick to the topic), and the nature and completeness of your arguments.

It is, as usual, essential that all material from other sources be enclosed in quotation marks (or set off as a block quote), and preferably with a citation to the original source as well.

Expected length: 3-5 pages (1000+ words)