Computer Ethics, Spring 2017

Comm 010, 4:15-6:45 Thursdays
Class 9
March 23

Week 9 Readings

    Read Chapter 3, on Speech
    Read the Chapter 4 sections on software patents.

Read the Garfinkel, Stallings and Graham papers on software patents. (You don't have to read the entire Graham paper.)


AT&T and other advertisers quit advertising on YouTube: This may be a major trend, as online advertising has pretty completely eliminated the advertiser's ability to choose where the ad runs.

Third Circuit decision on forced decryption: more ambiguity. The Fifth Amendment protects against self-incrimination, but not against production of incriminating documents if it is a "foregone conclusion" that the documents exist, are under the control of the accused, and are authentic. That is, you can't take the Fifth on the contents of the documents, only on your ability to produce them. How does the Foregone Conclusion doctrine apply to demands for decryption?

Tractor hacking:

If you want your papers encrypted when I return them, let me know. You'll need to install GPG, and send me your public key. I'll use that to encrypt your paper before returning it.

A key is created with gpg --gen-key. It may take some time. You'll be asked to enter your email address as your identifier.
To export your own public key, use gpg --export your_email_addr. Add the -a option for easier manageability as text. You'll need to send this public key to me.

Start with McLibel
Threat speech
Germany and hate speech
LICRA v Yahoo
Google and being forgotten