Paper 3: Patents

Due: May 6, 2011           Comp 317/417, Dordal

Are software patents a special case?

Paul Graham wrote

There's nothing special about physical [machines] that should make them patentable, and the software equivalent not.

Argue for or against this position, and come to some sort of conclusion. Your conclusion should suggest some broad position on the usefulness of software patents themselves.

The purpose of patents is to encourage innovation and investment in innovation, for social progress. Does this principle apply to software as well as machinery and pharmaceuticals? Are software patents, on the whole, of benefit to society? Do they foster innovation, leading to more software ideas for everyone? For the purposes of patent law, should software be included?

Or is it true that software is fundamentally different? Perhaps because of its abstraction, or greater generality, or its mathematical nature, or the fact that so many software "inventions" are straightforward implementations of broad business ideas, is software a special case? Or is it a special case simply because the patent office allegedly has difficulty conducting patent examinations for software? Or even because of open source?

In the I4I v Microsoft case, an obscure patent about a data structure for holding XML tags became very expensive for Microsoft, once the data structure in question was interpreted so broadly as to cover any method of manipulating XML structure separately from data. Does this represent a fundamental problem with the use of abstraction (ie in describing data structures) in computer science? Or was this just a quirk of the judicial system?

The Supreme Court decided the Bilski case in June 2010 and agreed that some abstract ideas are not patentable. Does this affect software patents?

There's a potential grey area in concluding that Graham was right, but that software should be subject to different patent rules. If this is what you feel, propose different rules and argue for them. If your main argument is that software is indeed a special case, you may either make the case that it is so different that patents should not apply, or make the weaker argument that special patent rules should apply. If you are arguing that software is not a special case, you do not necessarily have to argue that all the rules should be the same.

Discuss both sides, and come to a conclusion. Your conclusion should either support one side or the other (perhaps with qualifications), or else it should outline some sort of "compromise" position.

If you are arguing against patents generally, please make that clear (in that case, you are probably not arguing that software is different, though you might argue that the case against software patents is stronger). If you argue against all patents, you should be sure you understand your argument's implications for, say, the pharmaceuticals industry.

Keep in mind the following points (though you don't have to address them all):

(Alternative topic: review either the NTP v RIM case or the i4i v Microsoft case (not both), and discuss whether NTP/i4i had a valid patent. But be sure to discuss this option with me beforehand!)