CSED 431 Week 11 -- April 12

Assignment 1:
    #1. Simple File Sharing, versus what else?
    #2: welcome-style v type-your-name
    #3: SID
    #5: viruses & deepfreeze

Folder redirection

Anyone can redirect their My Documents under Windows XP, using MyDocuments => properties. The actual folder represented by the My Documents icons is
    HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Personal

In that Shell Folders key, there are also entries for My Music, My Pictures, etc.

Group Policy folder redirection is just making your Personal folder be a folder on a drive share.



new-item (ni)    -type [file|directory]
copy-item (cp, copy)
remove-item (rm, del)
move-item (mv, move)

get-childitem (dir, ls)      -recurse,
    ls | sort [name|length|lastwritetime| ...]


variables: begin with $
    $dir = ls

get-executionpolicy, set-executionpolicy
    restricted, allsigned, remotesigned, unrestricted

get-process (ps)
    ps svchost
    ps |get-member
    ps|select-object cpu,name
    ps | where {$_.handles -gt 200 -and $_.name -eq "svchost"}

In the last, note what where is doing. Sort of. We're using a pipe, and each object produced by the ps command is assigned in turn to the special variable $_. We are looking at $_'s .handles and .name attributes. If they don't have that, then there's simply no match.

set-location (cd; chdir)

import-module ActiveDirectory

format-table (FT)

I now have (thanks to Miao) Server 2008 R2's set up for everyone.
What does this do?
    cd AD:
Is it good for anything?

Getting information about commands:
get-help *-AD*
get-help New-AD*

Note the way domains are expressed, eg DC=csed,DC=luc,DC=edu.

In the examples below, for domain csed2.edu, it is DC=csed2,DC=edu

Listing all OUs:
    get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter {name -like '*'}

Listing all AD objects:
    get-ADobject -filter {name -like '*'}

get-ADuser alice
get-ADuser -filter {name -like 'alice' }       ;; different kind of name!

All users:
    get-ADuser -filter {name -like '*'}

get-ADcomputer: similar; you typically need a -filter.

Listing disabled accounts:

    Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass -A

Expiring accounts

    Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring -TimeSpan 90.00:00:00 | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass –A

The following example demonstrates how to find all the users whose accounts will expire on the date 10/15/2009:

    Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpiring -DateTime 10/15/2009 | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass -A

The following example demonstrates how to find inactive user accounts:
    Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass –A

The following example demonstrates how to find user accounts that have been inactive for 90 days:

    Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 90.00:00:00 | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass –A

The following example demonstrates how to find user accounts that have been inactive since 1/25/2010:

    Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -DateTime 01/25/2010 | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass –A

Creating accounts

New-ADUser -SamAccountName peter -Name "peter two" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "peter" -Force) -Enabled $true -Path 'OU=labusers,DC=csed2,DC=edu'

We could add -changePasswordAtLogon $false.

set-ADAccountControl peter -passwordNeverExpires $true
(or add that to the new-ADUser line)

Common options:


get-ADgroup -filter{name -like '*remote*'}
get-ADgroupmember "remote desktop users"

add-ADgroupMember 'remote desktop users' peter

get-ADobject -filter {name -like '*'} -searchbase 'ou=labusers,dc=csed2,dc=edu'

remove-ADuser roger

making a bunch of users

First we make the file, names.csv. (csv = comma-separated values) Note the header line that gives names to the columns:

roger,"Roger Wilco",roger,labusers
sally,"Sally Swift",sally,labusers

Then we check it:
import-csv names.csv
samAccountName                name                          password                      ou
--------------                ----                          --------                      --
roger                         Roger Wilco                   roger                         labusers
sally                         Sally Swift                   sally                         labusers

Now we run a script. The basic format is "import-csv names.csv | foreach { command }", where command is an instance of new-ADuser. Inside of command, $_ is a reference to the current row object, and $_.samAccountName is the first column of the current row object.

Import-CSV names.csv | foreach {New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name   -Path "OU=labusers,DC=csed2,DC=edu" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.password -Force) -Enabled $true}

The command itself should be either run as a batch file, or (simpler) created/edited/saved in notepad, and then copy/pasted into the powershell window when you want to run it.

Note the fact that although there's a column in our table for OU, the OU has to be part of a string, and it comes in $_.ou form as an object. I got an error
     "cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'Path'."
or "the object name has bad syntax"

Here is a later version of the command:
Import-CSV names.csv | foreach {New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name   -Path "OU=labusers,DC=csed2,DC=edu" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.password -Force) -Enabled $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true}


Log into your windows server 2008 R2. It should already be a domain controller.

Log into your windows 7 instance, and have it join the domain. Make a note of any problems you encounter. What is the DNS problem?

Install PowerShell on your windows server. Go to Server Manager => Features => Add Feature

Create an OU, labusers, using powershell. Use new-ADOrganizationalUnit

Create a .csv file (using notepad) to add at least four users. For each user, specify:
Make sure your .csv file has a header row!