Enterprise Networking Week 5

Spring 2021, Mondays 5:30-8:00

February 22

After running mininet, the backspace key may not work. Fix it with this:

stty erase ^H

(where ^H is how the backspace key appears in one of the terminal windows before things are fixed.)


    ping google.com

    Hurricane Electric

    Local routing

Reno v Cubic

How HTB and netem interact (HTB for bandwidth, netem for queue and delay)

Experiment 1: BottleneckBW = 2 MB/s, DELAY=400ms, QUEUE=100

    verifying the settings

        Why is the very first ping almost always exactly two RTTs?

    Cubic wins 0.34 to 2.0. But also look at how long everything is taking.

Delay=400ms, QUEUE=200: Cubic wins, 1.61 to 2.0  [??]

Delay = 400ms, QUEUE=400: Reno wins 2.0 to .33

Delay = 400ms, QUEUE=bw × delay:

Queuing and Scheduling

Finishing times and the Parekh-Gallagher bound

Hierarchical queuing and finishing times

Token Bucket

    Bucket=1/60 second

History of "real-time internet"


    Zoom and CDNs