Comp 343/443-001 Week 7 notes

October 13

Chapter 9: routing
    Fixes for slow convergence to infinity
    route cost
    avoiding slow convergence

Chapter 8: IPv6

Some IPv6-related sites:
Getting IPv6 traffic to my computer:

Host has tunneled IPv6 connectivity courtesy of Hurricane Electric. They supply me with two /64 prefixes which I will call HE_TUNNEL and HE_ROUTED. HE_TUNNEL is for my end of the tunnel (that is, for ulam itself), while HE_ROUTED is for up to one additional "subnet" (I can ask for more). Typical values (not real values, for security) are:
    HE_TUNNEL: 2001:470:1e70:abcd::/64
    HE_ROUTED: 2001:470:1e71:abcd::/64
The plan is to create a VPN link from my laptop to ulam, manually assign each end an IPv6 address using the HE_ROUTED prefix, and then set up the routing.
  1. Set up ppp link using my makeppplink script (we will assume interfaces are both named ppp0)
  2. (optional) Assign link-local IPv6 addresses, eg fe80::61 at the server and fe80::62 at the client (based loosely on an IPv4 assignment of at the server and at the client)
  3. Assign the actual IPv6 address from the Hurricane Electric block:
  4. Set up routing:
  5. Create an IPv6 firewall on my laptop!
    ip6tables --append INPUT --in-interface ppp0 --protocol icmpv6 --jump ACCEPT
    ip6tables --append INPUT --in-interface ppp0 --match conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED --jump ACCEPT
    ip6tables --append INPUT --in-interface ppp0 --jump DROP
  6. Enable IPv6 forwarding on ulam by tweaking /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
  7. (optional) adjust the tunnel MTU, if necessary
  8. Test it!

In the course of testing, I discovered (after I don't want to talk about how many hours of work) that the linux "uncomplicated firewall" ufw blocks, by default, all forwarded traffic. I had to disable that on ulam.

Brief run-through of IPv6 topics:

Extension Headers
64/64 addressing, EUI-64
Router Advertisement, Prefix Discovery (later)
Neighbor Solicitation (later)
SLAAC (later)
DHCPv6 (later)
privacy addresses
globally exposed addresses and firewalls
Using IPv6
    Happy Eyeballs
Tunnel brokers

Chapter 11: UDP

Section 2: Fundamental transport issues

Section 3: brief look at TFTP

Chapter 12: TCP

12.1: End-to-End Principle

12.2: TCP Header

12.3: Connection establishment

12.6: TCP state diagram

12.7: old duplicates

12.8: TimeWait