Comp 343/443 Week 9: Oct 22 ARP TFTP sliding-windows implementation TCP timeout BLAST CIDR routing ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 4.1.5: ARP Basic ideas: broadcast request/unicast reply, cache ICMP Destination Host Unreachable if nobody answers Timeout: used to be ~10 minutes (20 min for early linux), now is much less (linux 2.4 arp timeout is ~60 seconds) see: ip -s neigh Alternatives: polling, link-layer notice, IP-layer notice finer points: If A arps "where is B?" 1. B always puts A in its cache 2. All hosts with A in their cache update the entry Self-arp, or gratuitous arp: detects duplicates, ethernet addr changes send an arp request for yourself (and hope you don't get answers!) Flooding: what if A tries to send 100 packets to B; how many ARPs? A b'casts, everyone replies & needs to ARP to get A's addr ARP and networks without b'cast [eg ATM] Failure in presence of looping security implications of ARP proxy arp ===== detecting sniffers: To find out if host A is in promiscuous mode, send an ARP "who-has A?" query. Address it not to the b'cast Ethernet address, though, but to, well, EthDest. If promiscuous mode is off, NI will reject the packet. If promiscuous mode is on, the NI will forward the arp request to the host. Alas, linux kernels reject at the software level arp queries to physical ethernet addresses other than our own. BUT: they do respond to faked multicast addresses. Windows: try ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 or ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:fe You can ping A's actual IP address (which requires a separate ping for each host, and a prior scan to find all the hosts), or try pinging the IP b'cast address (all 1's in the host part). ====== DHCP; once known as Reverse ARP (RARP) You b'cast your Ethernet addr, and hope a DHCP server finds it and sends you your IP address. Also other helpful startup options!!! subnet mask default router DNS Server DHCP and servers: who's going to update the DNS entries? Minimal network config: ip addr subnet mask default router DNS server =========================================================================== =========================================================================== TFTP/WUMP: basic strategy dallying RRQ/REQ port change State view: differences between UNLATCHED, LATCHED, and DALLY TFTP/WUMP scenarios: 1. duplicate REQ If the first REQ is sent twice (perhaps due to a client timeout), two child processes start on the server. The one that the client receives DATA[1] from first is the one the client will "latch on" to; the other should be sent an ERROR packet. 2. lost final ACK This is addressed with the DALLY state 3. old late duplicates This is addressed by having EITHER side (preferably both) choose a new port number for each "connection" (ie transfer). 4. Sequence number wrap: not allowed (but do we check?) 5. HUMP/CHUMP: two scenarios where we get something other than requested: 1. Lost REQ: REQ "foo" (received but response delayed) REQ "bar" (lost, but now delayed DATA1-foo arrives) 6. 2. Malicious flood of DATA[1].bad from port, so BAD guy opens port 6666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 REQ "good" --> server server creates good <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 LATCH! <---- server sends DATA[1].good <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 <---- DATA[1].bad from 666 =========================================================================== Simple packet-based sliding-windows algorithm receiver-side window size W Next packet expected N (window is N ... N+W-1) Generic: We have a pool EA of "early arrivals". When packet M arrives: if M=N+W, ignore if M>N, put the packet into EA. if M=N, 1. output the packet (packet N) K=N+1 while (packet K is in EA) output packet K slide window forward by K Specific implementation: bufs[]: array of size W. We always put packet M into position M % W At any point between packet arrivals, packet slot N is empty, but some or all of N+1 .. N+W-1 may be full. Suppose packet M arrives. 1. M=N+W: ignore 2. otherwise, put packet M into bufs[M%W] 3. while (buf[N % W] has a valid packet) { write it N++ } If M!=N, this loop will do nothing. But if M==N, we will write packet N and any further saved packets, and slide the window forward. 4. Send ACK[N]: number of next packet expected, or ACK[N-1]: number of last cumulative packet, depending on protocol wording sender side: We will assume ACK[M] means all packets <=M have been received (second option immediately above) W = window size, N = bottom of window window is N, N+1, ..., N+W-1 init: N=0. Send full windowful of packets 0, 1, ..., W-1 Arrival of Ack M if M < N or M>=N+W, ignore otherwise: set Last = N+W-1 (last packet sent) set N = M+1. for (i=Last+1; i