Here are my suggested additions, for making the later queries easier to test. insert into registration values('00104', 1104, 'B', 'A', 'R'); insert into registration values('00104', 1102, 'B', 'B', 'R'); insert into registration values('00105', 1102, 'C', 'B', 'R'); update crssection set facultyID = 555 where CsId = 1205; To undo: rollback, or else: delete from registration where StudentID ='00104' and CsId= 1104; delete from registration where StudentID ='00104' and CsId= 1102; delete from registration where StudentID ='00105' and CsId= 1102; update crssection set facultyID = null where CsId = 1205; Some SQL queries to be based on the Indo-US College Database. 1. List all classrooms with a capacity of at least 50. Select * from location where capacity >= 50; ROOMID BUILDIN ROO CAPACITY R ---------- ------- --- ---------- - 14 Kennedy 204 50 L 15 Nehru 301 50 C 2. List all students who took CIS253 and were NOT Computer Science majors (either AAS or BS) You do have to look up what the codes for the CS majors are; there's no other way to determine that. select s.last, s.first, s.majorID from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid and c.courseId = 'CIS253' and s.majorId NOT IN (200, 500); LAST FIRST --------------- ------ Diaz Jose Patel Rajesh Patel Rajesh Lee Brian (I should have used SELECT DISTINCT) 3. List all students who took a course in WN03 select distinct s.last, s.first from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid and c.TermId = 'WN03'; LAST FIRST --------------- ------- Patel Rajesh 2 Rickles Deborah 2 Diaz Jose 3 With additions: Patel Rajesh Rickles Deborah Lee Brian Diaz Jose Khan Amir 4. List all students who took at least two courses in WN03. This is a straightforward GROUP BY / HAVING example. select s.last, s.first from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid and c.TermId = 'WN03' group by s.last, s.first having count(*) >= 2; LAST FIRST --------------- --------- Patel Rajesh Rickles Deborah Diaz Jose With additions: Patel Rajesh Rickles Deborah Lee Brian Diaz Jose 5. List all courses offered in WN03 select courseID from crssection where termID = 'WN03'; CIS265 CIS253 MA150 AC101 6. List all courses taught in a lab (RoomType = 'L') select courseID , termID from crssection c, location l where c.roomID = l.roomId and L.roomtype = 'L'; ------ ---- CIS265 WN03 CIS253 WN03 CIS265 SP03 CIS265 SP03 CIS253 SP03 CIS253 SP03 CIS253 SP03 7. List all students who took a course taught by their advisor select s.last, s.first , c.courseId from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid and s.facultyID = c.facultyID; Diaz Jose CIS253 Patel Rajesh CIS265 With additions: Diaz Jose CIS253 Tyler Mickey CIS265 Patel Rajesh CIS265 Lee Brian AC101 8. List all students who took a course that their advisor has taught, but not necessarily at the same time. I did this with a 4-way join, with two crssections c1 and c2. The student took c1, and the advisor taught c2. The registration is needed to tie s and c1 together, and we also have to say the courses are the same (have the same CourseID), and that the student's advisor did the teaching in c2. -- student took c1 -- advisor taught c2 select distinct s.last, s.first from student s, crssection c1, crssection c2, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c1.csid and c1.courseID = c2.courseID and s.facultyId = c2.facultyID; Patel Rajesh Diaz Jose With additions: Patel Rajesh Rickles Deborah Tyler Mickey Lee Brian Diaz Jose 9. List all students who got all A's or B's in WN03 At least one A or B (not part of this problem, but here for comparison): select s.last, s.first from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid AND c.termId = 'WN03' and IN ('A', 'B'); Students and their grades (useful for checking your answer): select s.last, s.first, c.courseID, c.termID, from student s, crssection c, registration r where s.studentId = r.studentId and r.csid = c.csid order by s.last; Here's the answer. Note that I had to add the AND EXISTS to eliminate students who had taken NO courses in WN03. select distinct s.studentid, s.last, s.first from student s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( Select from crssection c, registration r where s.studentid = r.studentid and c.CsId = r.CsId and c.termID = 'WN03' and NOT IN ('A', 'B') ) AND EXISTS ( Select from crssection c, registration r where s.studentid = r.studentid and c.CsId = r.CsId and c.termID = 'WN03' ); 00104 Lee Brian 00105 Khan Amir 10. List all students who took CIS253 in WN03 and in SP03. I chose to do this as a 5-way join, using c1,r1 to refer to the registration for the WN03 section and c2,r2 for SP03. select distinct s.studentid, s.last, s.first FROM student s, registration r1, registration r2, crssection c1, crssection c2 WHERE s.studentID = r1.studentID and s.studentID = r2.studentID AND r1.csID = c1.csID and r2.csID = c2.csID AND c1.termID = 'WN03' and c2.termID = 'SP03' AND c1.courseID = 'CIS253' and c2.courseID = 'CIS253' ; Another way to do this is with two SELECT statements, one for the students taking the course in WN03 and one for SP03, and INTERSECTing them: (select s.studentid, s.last, s.first From student s, registration r, crssection c where s.studentid = r.studentid and r.csid = c.csid and c.courseid = 'CIS253' and c.termID='WN03') INTERSECT (select s.studentid, s.last, s.first From student s, registration r, crssection c where s.studentid = r.studentid and r.csid = c.csid and c.courseid = 'CIS253' and c.termID='SP03') ----- --------------- ----------- 00102 Patel Rajesh 00104 Lee Brian 00105 Khan Amir