Some pl/sql web procedures for dynamic page creation create or replace procedure simple as begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Comp 353 simple example'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'Here is my demo'); htp.line; htp.paragraph; htp.print('Today is ' || to_char(sysdate, 'DD/MM/YYYY')); htp.paragraph; htp.print('Ordinary tags can be used in strings'); -- comment htp.print('Your oracle userid is ' || USER); htp.line; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; / show errors =================================================================== -- Table1 builds an html table from a database table create or replace procedure table1 as cursor c1 is select studentid,last,first,majorid from student; rec c1%rowtype; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('table of students and majors'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'Table of students'); htp.line; htp.paragraph; htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('StudentID'); htp.tableHeader('Last name'); htp.tableHeader('First name'); htp.tableHeader('department'); for rec in c1 loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(rec.studentid); htp.tableData(rec.last); htp.tableData(rec.first); htp.tableData(rec.majorid); end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ===================================================================== -- table2 builds an html table from a database table -- uses a join create or replace procedure table2 as cursor c1 is select s.studentid,s.last,s.first,m.majordesc from student s, major m where s.majorid = m.majorid; rec c1%rowtype; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('table of students and majors'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'Table of students with majors'); htp.line; htp.paragraph; htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('StudentID'); htp.tableHeader('Last name'); htp.tableHeader('First name'); htp.tableHeader('department'); for rec in c1 loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(rec.studentid); htp.tableData(rec.last); htp.tableData(rec.first); htp.tableData(rec.majordesc); -- forgot htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ==================================================================== -- param takes a string and a number and creates a 1-column table -- of that string repeated that number of times. create or replace procedure param(str in varchar2, num in number) as i number; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Parameters'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'parameter passing'); htp.line; htp.paragraph; htp.print('str = "' || str || '", num = ' || num); htp.paragraph; htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('theString'); for i in 1..num loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(str); htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ==================================================================== -- param_multi shows how to create a procedure that takes a flexible set of params -- The four param names must be spelled exactly this way create or replace procedure param_multi (num_entries in number, name_array in owa.vc_arr, value_array in owa.vc_arr, reserved in owa.vc_arr) as i number; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Parameters'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'passing arbitrary list of parameters'); htp.paragraph; htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('theString'); for i in 1..num_entries loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(name_array(i)); htp.tableData(value_array(i)); htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ===================================================================== -- form1 is a trivial form; this version generates one parameter, theText create or replace procedure form1 as i number; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Form'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.formOpen('/indo/formcatcher', 'GET'); -- note leading / htp.print('Here is my first form'); htp.paragraph; htp.print('Here is the service path: "' || owa_util.get_owa_service_path || '"'); htp.paragraph; htp.formText('theText', 30, 50, 'initial value'); htp.line; htp.formSubmit(NULL, 'proceed'); htp.formClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ========================================================================= -- formcatcher1 is invoked upon clicking SUBMIT on form1 -- this is the one-parameter version create or replace procedure formcatcher(theText in varchar2) as i number; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Form Catcher'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(2, 'come here on click of submit button'); htp.print('Here is the parameter: "' || theText || '"'); htp.print('Now what?'); htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ========================================================================= -- form2 goes to formcatcher2, which is slightly less trivial -- note that this generates TWO parameters: theText and theButton. create or replace procedure form2 as i number; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Form'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.formOpen('/indo/formcatcher2', 'GET'); -- note leading / htp.print('Here is my first form'); htp.paragraph; htp.print('Here is the service path: "' || owa_util.get_owa_service_path || '"'); htp.paragraph; htp.formText('theText', 30, 50, 'initial value'); htp.paragraph; htp.formSubmit('theButton', 'proceed');; htp.formSubmit('theButton', 'give up');; htp.formSubmit('theButton', 'new student'); htp.formClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ========================================================================= -- formcatcher2 accepts the two parameters from form2, -- and dispatches new_student if appropriate. create or replace procedure formcatcher2 (theText in varchar2, theButton in varchar2) --(theButton in varchar2, theText in varchar2) as i number; begin if lower(theButton) = 'new student' then new_student2; return; end if; htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Form Catcher, two-param version'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(2, 'come here on click of submit button'); htp.print('Here is the button parameter: "' || theButton || '"'); htp.paragraph; htp.print('Here is the text parameter: "' || theText || '"'); htp.print('Now what?'); htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ========================================================================= -- new_student provides text boxes for the student fields. -- it also displays a table of all the existing records. -- on SUBMIT, it invokes make_new_student to create the record. create or replace procedure new_student as i number; cursor c1 is select s.studentid,s.last,s.first, s.startterm, s.facultyid, m.majordesc || ' (' || m.majorid || ')' AS MAJOR from student s, major m where s.majorid = m.majorid order by s.studentid; rec c1%rowtype; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('New Student'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.formOpen('/indo/make_new_student', 'GET'); -- note leading / htp.header(2, 'Create a new student record'); htp.tableOpen; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('Student ID'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('studid', 30, 50)); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('Last Name'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('lname', 30, 50)); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('First Name'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('fname', 30, 50)); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('start term'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('startterm', 30, 50, 'SP03')); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('Advisor ID'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('advisor', 30, 50, 555)); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('Major ID'); htp.tableData(htf.formText('major', 30, 50)); htp.tableRowClose;; htp.tableClose; htp.formSubmit('theButton', 'do it'); htp.formSubmit('theButton', 'cancel'); htp.formClose; htp.print('Here are the existing students'); htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('StudentID'); htp.tableHeader('Last name'); htp.tableHeader('First name'); htp.tableHeader('start term'); htp.tableHeader('advisor'); htp.tableHeader('major'); -- notice how I gave this a name above for rec in c1 loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(rec.studentid); htp.tableData(rec.last); htp.tableData(rec.first); htp.tableData(rec.startterm); htp.tableData(rec.facultyid); htp.tableData(rec.major); htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; ========================================================================= -- make_new_student is invoked by new_student to create the record. -- Note option for CANCEL -- also note the exception handler, and try commenting it out and trying -- to insert a bad record. create or replace procedure make_new_student ( studid in varchar2, lname in varchar2, fname in varchar2, startterm in varchar2, advisor in varchar2, major in varchar2, theButton in varchar2 ) as i number; begin if lower(theButton) = 'cancel' then form2; return; end if; insert into student values (studid, lname, fname, null, null, null, null, startterm, null, advisor, major, null); --commit; htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('New Student'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(2, 'Student record created (maybe)'); htp.formOpen('/indo/new_student', 'GET'); htp.formSubmit(NULL, 'ok'); htp.formClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then htp.htmlOpen; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(1, 'insert failed!'); htp.print('Student ID = ' || studid); htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; when others then htp.htmlOpen; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(1, 'insert failed!'); htp.print('Student ID = ' || studid); htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; =========================================================================