Final exam study guide solutions WARNING: some parts here have not been actually tested. Furthermore, the solution that I thought worked for #1 does NOT. Ignore that; as long as you can do the similar problem on homework 3 (for each dept, list the employee with the most seniority), you should be fine. 1. List the item ordered most often The max quantity is select max(sum(qty)) from invitem group by itemno; The item for which that max is achieved MIGHT HAVE BEEN: select itemno, sum(qty) from invitem where sum(qty) = (select max(sum(qty)) from invitem group by itemno) group by itemno; BUT THIS DOES NOT WORK, and right now I'm not sure how to fix it. The problem is that sum(qty) cannot be in the WHERE part. I may be able to fix this, but the important point is that the way I had intended for *you* to do it does not work, and so this problem is much harder than intended. 2. Purchasers who ordered every item over $5 Select c.custname from customer c where not exists ( (select itemno from item where itemprice >= 5) minus (select i.itemno from invitem i, invoice v where c.custno = v.custno and i.invno = v.invno) ); 3. There are some problems here. First, this is only a fragment, not the full Java program (that's ok). More seriously, there are a few glitches with Date, although java.sql.Date and java.util.Date are supposed to be comparable. I'm not sure which Date I'm using at times. Like I said, this date stuff (which is what makes this hard) WON'T be on the final. Note that I'm trying to do all the comparisons in java here, not in sql. The study guide problem statement was not clear on that. Date cutoff = new Date("01-JAN-2002"); // probably WRONG init of java.util.Date ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select salary, hiredate from employee e"); int sum = 0; while ( ) { int sal = rset.getInt(1); Date d = rset.getDate(2); // I had to look this up: java.sql if (d.after(cutoff)) { sum += sal; } } System.out.println("total salary is " + sal); 4. Again, I'm trying to do the comparisons in PL/SQL rather than in SQL. It's easier to do date arithmetic here than in Java. declare cursor cur is select salary, hiredate from employee e; rec cur%rowtype; int sal = 0; begin for rec in cur loop if rec.hiredate > to_date('01-JAN-2002') then sal := sal + rec.salary; end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('total salary is ' || sal); end; 5. This is my actual code, in which I had to rename table "employee" to "employee3" to load it all into the indo DB instead of the naman DB. Ignore that. Also ignore the cattributes thingie in htp.tableOpen. -- table3 builds an html table from a database table create or replace procedure table3 as cursor c1 is select d.deptname, e.lname , e.fname from employee3 e, dept d where d.deptid = e.deptid order by d.deptname; rec c1%rowtype; begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('table of employees'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.line; htp.header(1,'Table of employees'); htp.line; htp.paragraph; htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; for rec in c1 loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(rec.deptname); htp.tableData(rec.lname || ', ' || rec.fname); htp.tableRowClose; end loop; htp.tableClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end; 6. Check QTY <= ITEM.QTYONHAND; yes: change QTYONHAND; no: raise NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK (user-defined exception, not spelled out here). create or replace trigger insert_invoice2 before insert on invitem declare my_quantity item.qtyonhand%type; my_itemname item.itemname%type; out_of_stock exception; begin select item.qtyonhand into my_quantity -- existing quantity from item where item.itemno = :new.itemno; if :new.qty <= my_quantity then update item set qtyonhand = qtyonhand - new:qty where itemno = :new.itemno; else raise not_enough_stock; end if; exception when not_enough_stock then raise_application_error(-20222, 'cannot add this INVOICE row; insufficent qty'); end;