Asterisk Project 1

Due Friday, April 26, via blackboard or email.

You will each be given administrative access to your own instance of an Ubuntu linux system running Asterisk. You can run it either on the Loyola server (eg, or you can make a copy of the virtual disk and run it under VMware on your own machine. The department has a group license for VMware.

If you're using the departmental machine, all you have to do to turn it in is let me know it's ready. If you're doing this on your own machine, send me all the Asterisk *.conf files you modified; typically, this will be sip.conf and extensions.conf. You can use ls -lt | head to list the 10 most-recently-modified files, to see if you changed anything else.

Connecting with Ekiga

Your first task is, of course, to figure out how to call in to your Asterisk server. I recommend using a softphone such as Ekiga (although let me know if you find something better). You will not be asked to do any two-way communication; you will simply be creating auto-answer extensions with voice menu systems; therefore, for most work you won't need to be able to handle sound input. You will, however, need to be able to record voice samples for use as system prompts. I use the linux utility Sound Recorder; there is also a WinXP utility of the same name under Programs => Accessories => Entertainment. I assume either it or an improved version is available under Win7. Finally, using any of several speech-synthesis tools would be an option.

The Asterisk servers will be configured to support a predefined SIP connection with username ekiga and password sipsecr3t (there are also accounts softphone1 and softphone2 with the same password). You will have to configure your softphone with these two parameters and the name or IP address of your Asterisk server. The softphone will then initiate the registration process with Asterisk.

You do not need an account.

Ekiga is not available for the mac; mac users might consider iSoftPhone, SJPhone, Telephone or X-Lite.

Each SIP account corresponds to one channel or extension. You might eventually want to create multiple accounts/channels/extensions for testing different extensions.

To add an Asterisk account, use the Accounts => Add a SIP Account option. When creating an account for ekiga (or another softphone) your registrar should be your Asterisk server; you may enter either the IP address or the DNS name.

When placing a call from ekiga, you probably have to make sure the DNS name of your Asterisk server appears in the upper box, eg This is highlighted in yellow in the screenshot at left; the "sip:2004" at the top of the righthand window is wrong.

Sound Files

Most sound-recording utilities save sound as 16-bit wav. You will need to convert that to ulaw; I recommend using the "sox" sound-conversion program. To use sox to convert from foo.wav to foo.ulaw, use

sox foo.wav -r 8000 -t ul foo.ulaw

Sox will figure out things like the sampling rate of foo.wav and whether it is 16-bit, etc.

You will also need to make sure there is only one channel in your sound file. Normally low-end sound-recording utilities do create single-channel files by default (you really need at least two microphones to make a dual-channel file!), but otherwise I believe the sox option to force a single channel is -c 1.

The Project Itself

You are to take the magic-number example in the Asterisk notes and modify it to support the following features. The features are roughly in increasing order of complexity. The existing source is in extensions.conf in the [dbdemo] context (section); all your changes should be made in this context only (or create a new context). The extension to reach this is 2004.

0. [corrected] Currently the server reads you your magic number whenever you log in press "1". Change this so the magic number is read to you only
1. Implement a passcode system. Before you can get access to your magic number, let alone set it, you have to provide your passcode. Of course, the account has to be entered first, so that the system knows which passcode to work with. Passcodes should be set up initially in the Asterisk database system; you'll use a separate table from the magic-number table; see the database information below. Some accounts may not have passcodes; your system should handle that option in a reasonable manner.

Note that a "finished" version here implies some structural changes to the prompt system: you should authenticate first (account number and then passcode), and only then be allowed to reach a menu where you can set and get the magic number. My existing menu allows you to set your account at any point.

While you are doing this, you should also adjust the prompt system to better make a distinction between accounts that have a magic number already (in which case it is read), or accounts which do not yet have magic.

One way to do this (the way I did it initially) is to set a numeric flag PassCodeOK, or simply to demand a passcode (to be read with Read() at the beginning of the [dbdemo] start extension.

Another way, however, is to create a second context (the things like [dbdemo])

    start: your account is ....
        press 1 to log in to this account, 2 to change accounts

    1: enter your passcode: ....
            goto(dbauthorized, start, 1)        ;; logged in ok

    2: enter your account number: ....

[dbauthorized]        ;; only here if logged in; account is
    start: press 1 to get your magic number, 2 to set your magic number, or 3 to change your account

    1:    (more or less as before)
    2:    (more or less as before)
    3:    goto(dbdemo, start, 1)

2. Add support for allowing a user to change his or her passcode. (In the two-context example above, this would probably go in the [dbauthorized] context).

3. Add support to allow the user to change to a new account (with new passcode) without hanging up. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is a special option in the main menu to "start over".

4. Currently the initial default account is 2000. Have it instead be the user's extension, using caller-ID to get the extension, if this caller-ID information is available. Design this option so it is quick and easy to use. If the caller-ID information is not available, use no initial account (or 2000, if you can't get the no-initial-account thing to work). Note that the most common arrangement in Asterisk is for the extension caller-ID number to be set in the sip.conf file, as part of the definition of a given channel. You can use substring operators to get the last four digits of the caller-ID number, if you wish, or just use 4-digit extensions exclusively.

5. I am working on one or two additional requirements for graduate students. Note later: I never did come up with anything concrete, but graduate students should try to organize the whole system so that it sounds like a "real" auto-attendant system, with clear prompts for selections and entries.
All voice prompts should spell out all options; there should be no "hidden" options. That said, you don't have to be wordy; you can just say things like "one for setting account; two for passcode, three for magic". Use the built-in recordings by Allison Smith as appropriate.

Appropriate initial entries in the database should be made from the Asterisk command line, which you reach from the bash command line with asterisk -r. Handy commands:
You can create new "tables" dynamically (you will probably need this to create initial passwords).

The following entries have been pre-entered into the dbdemo "table".

4004 59

Here is a link to the original extensions.conf, in case edit yours extensively and decide you need to start over.


An early edition of the book Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is on sakai. You will need only a little of it:
Most if not all of the information you will need is in Chapter 10: Deeper Into the Dialplan of The Definitive Guide; there is also some more basic information in Chapter 6. The GotoIf() function is documented in Chapter 10, as is the Asterisk Database. You should not need subroutines or macros.

Here is a simple example using variables and substrings:
exten => 2011,1,Answer()
 same => n,Set(NUM=123456789)
 same => n,Set(SNUM=${NUM:4:3})
 same => n,SayDigits(${SNUM})
This reads back the 3 digits starting at position 4 (counting from 0): "5 6 7". Note that to use a variable you need both the $ and the {} around the variable name.

If you look at the existing extension 2004, there is a line
    exten => 2004,1,Goto(dbdemo,start,1)

This means that if you dial 2004 you go to the start extension in context [dbdemo], which begins further up. Any digits you press other than as read by the Read() command will be interpreted as "extensions" in this context. If you look at the [dbdemo] context, an extension of "1" tells you the account, an extension of "2" tells you the magic, and an extension of "3" sets the magic.

To reach the Asterisk command line, type the command asterisk -r as root. Use ^D or exit to exit. To reload extensions.conf, go to the asterisk command line and type dialplan reload; note that it is not "extensions reload". To reload any changes to sip.conf, use sip reload.

Working on your server

Whether you use VMware or the Loyola virtual machines, you will log in as account "cs446". The Asterisk files are in /etc/asterisk, symlinked to your local subdirectory "asterisk"; you should be able to edit the files directly as user cs446.

To connect to the server, use the Windows Remote Desktop. From home, you will need to do this through the Loyola VPN. Once you log into the VPN, you should be able to contact your server at its designated IP address. Note that you can specify the window size when you log in, and you should plan on using at least a 600x800 screen size. You should not, however, use the maximum window size. You should also specify 16-bit color instead of 32-bit color, for performance reasons. Note that the color depth and window size must be set in Windows Remote Desktop before connecting.

For some operations (in particular for connecting to the Asterisk console, but possibly also for moving image files), you will need to be the superuser, or root. I recommend having one terminal be root (you create terminal windows with CNTL-ALT-T) and one be your regular account. You become root with the command sudo bash, which will prompt you for your password.

If you upload a sound file to your cs446 directory, you may need to copy it to the correct location (Asterisk/sounds/en) with your root window. Use, eg, cp mysound.ulaw asterisk/sounds/en.

To access the Asterisk command line (eg to reload, or to watch messages), you will need to be root. Do this from your root window, above, or just "sudo asterisk -r".

To edit files, the simplest editor is gedit, which you can start from your regular-account window as  
    gedit extensions.conf &

If you are interested in installing your Asterisk server locally, under VMware, let me know and I will supply the files (one of which, the virtual-disk image, will be about 4 GB). This too will give you access to the full graphical-user interface. Log in as user cs446, and create one terminal window with root privileges. You may wish to install the "guest additions" package appropriate for your virtual machine; if not, you'll have to use a special key option to "release" the mouse from the virtual machine. For VirtualBox users it's usually the right Ctrl key; for VMware users it's Ctrl-Alt. If you forget this, you can't get your mouse free from the virtual machine!

If you are working on the Loyola-hosted servers, you can if you prefer use the command-line interface using ssh. You may wish to enable ssh public-key authentication, so you can (a) log in more easily and (b) log in at all from outside Loyola. See Using SSH at Loyola.