Telecom formula sheet

Sine wave: y = A sin(2πf t), t = time in seconds, f = frequency in Hertz (cycles/sec), A = amplitude

Square wave: y = sin(2πf t) + 1/3 sin(2π(3f)t) + 1/5 sin(2π(5f)t) + 1/7 sin(2π(7f)t) + ...

Decibels: 10 log10 Pout/Pin

10 dB
20 dB
3 dB

5 dB
~ 3×
6 dB

7 dB

Nyquist: C = 2B log­2 M

Shannon: C = B log­2 (1+SNR)

B = bandwidth, C = max data rate, M = # of signal levels, SNR = signal-to-noise ratio

Thermal noise: N0 = kT, T in Kelvins, N0 in Watts/Hz, k = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K; channel noise = N0 × band_width

NRZ: 0=high, 1=low

NRZI: 0 = no transition, 1 = transition

Manchester: NRZI alternating with transitions due to the clock signal

Bipolar-AMI: 0-bit = signal level of 0, 1-bit = alternating positive and negative signal levels for successive 1-bits

B8ZS: same as bipolar, but 0000 0000 is replaced by 000+−0−+ or 000−+0+−, depending on whether previous 1-bit was + or −.


RR: ACK, Receiver Ready for more

RNR: ACK, Receiver not ready for more

RR-P: poll packet sent by sender to elicit Receiver’s current RR/RNR


DS0: 64kbps voice line

DS1: 24 DS0’s plus 1 bit

DS2: 4 DS1’s plus bit-stuffing (pulse-stuffing) room

DS3: 7 DS2’s / 28 DS1’s, plus bit/pulse stuffing room

STS-1: 51.84 Mbps

STS-N: N × STS-1, exactly

GRCA(T,tau): Avg time T between packets, tau = variation       
Suppose current cell is expected at time tat, and actually arrives at t
    Case 1: t < tat - tau (too EARLY): NONCONFORMING; do not change tat
    Case 2: t >= tat - tau: CONFORMING; newtat = max(t,tat) + T