Comp 343 materials - Fall 1999

Peter Dordal, Loyola Univ Chicago Dept of Mathematical and Computer Sciences.

Course groundrules

COMP 343/443 notes file, a syllabus that isn't too far off but which does need work.

The final exam study guide is here. The answers are here, finally!

The sample midterm is still available too, with answers. Some of this, particularly the chapter 5 material, would be good to review for the final.

The following files are for the tftp program in java:, which is an outline of the tftp program itself, and, which contains the tftpPacket class. This latter file you shouldn't need to modify at all.

Some Ethernet sources of information.

Some selected links to networking info

The following paper has useful information about TCP/IP security: Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Steve Bellovin.