Comp 305-001/488-305: Database Administration

Spring 2016: Tuesdays, 4:15-6:45, Corboy L08

Week 14

Review conflict-serializability test


NoSQL databases and CAP
    start with sharding

MySQL Cluster

This is composed of the following:

The straightforward way to use MySQL cluster is to use the mysqld node as an SQL interface to the data, just like using MySQL itself. However, it is also possible to access the data directly, using other APIs; this is where MySQL Cluster becomes a "NoSQL" (here pretty definitively Not only SQL) environment.

The data nodes can be used for

MySQL Cluster does transparent auto-sharding; the DBA can supposedly remain unaware of it.

The mysqld node is just one of many possible "application layers" used to access the data nodes. It uses the NDB/NDB-Cluster storage engine, which is somewhat different from InnoDB.

Other APIs include: