Comp 271 lab 7 - sorted lists



Start with the project. Note that the element type is constrained here to be something that implements the Comparable interface, so that you are guaranteed that elements can be compared with compareTo().

Implement the add() method that inserts a new element in order. Note that you are using the Comparable interface here. Make sure all list mutators keep the elements in order!

I had to consider three cases in my add(T value):

The last case theoretically has two subcases -- inserting at the end and not at the end -- but in my code these turned out not to be different. I had a (while p!=null && is less than value) loop; if it ends with p==null then you're inserting at the end, otherwise in the middle. Either way, you will need a Cell pointer prev that points to the previous cell -- Bailey calls this the "finger" technique -- which is the one that is actually modified. There's an example of such a loop in the remove() method.

Also implement a verifySorted() method that verifies that the data present are in ascending order.

Then, compare the speed of our earlier Insertion Sort with the speed of inserting the same number of elements, from the array master, into your SortedList. (Arrays are faster. How much faster?)

I had originally planned to include a binary search, but that fails to be faster than O(n) on a linked list (versus O(log n) for an array). The problem is that jumping to a middle element is sloooow.

To submit your project, create a zipfile and email it to me at