Comp 271 lab 4 - nonrecursive mergesort



Here is Implementing mergeblocks() has proven harder than anticipated; feel free to use this version. Just take out the mergeblocks() method and paste it in to your version.


The book has a standard recursive implementation of mergesort (my version is available at
How can this be done nonrecursively? If you examine what is "really going on" in the recursive version, it all boils down to the following, sort of in order:
One way to describe the loop to sort array A is the following:
    blockLength = 1;
    while (blockLength < A.length) {
          merge pairs of adjacent sorted blocks of length blockLength
          blockLength = blockLength * 2;

In the IterativeMergeSort starter class I call the "merge pairs of adjacent sorted blocks ..." method mergepass. You will need a second array, T (for temp) to do the merges into. For a sample merge operation, see the merge() method in RecursiveMergeSort. Note that as you merge pairs of adjacent blocks, you will not be copying back into T until you've reached the end. Also note that the last block can be shorter than expected, even of length 0.

After you have implemented nonrecursive mergesort, compare it to recursive mergesort for a random array of ints of size 1,000,000. Use nanoTime().

Once you have merged into the array T, you will need to copy the result back into A. A (theoretically) faster alternative is to alternate use of A and T until you reach a blockLength >= A.length; that is, for blockLength = 1 you merge from A into T, for blockLength 2 you merge from T into A, for blockLength 4 you merge from A into T, and onwards. (If you end up with your data in T, you will have to copy back into A at that point, but only once.) Implement this for extra credit.

To submit your project, create a zipfile and email it to me at