Comp 170 Week 12

exam Wednesday


Chapter 10

Run the simulation

version 1: Fox.hunt() and

Demo of small window with breeding reduced to zero?

Lab 3: moving more and more stuff into the Animal class

Note that Field.adjacentLocations() [what does this refer to?] returns an iterator. Life would be simpler if it just returned a list, but then we actually have to create the list.

Version 2
We introduce abstract parent class Animal, but at first glance there is only so much we can move to Animal.
Moved to Animal:
 These are all "trivial"; they don't do much.

Version 3
We introduce data accessors:
The following are data accessors, abstract in Animal because they are specific-animal-specific:

These allow us to move more routine methods to Animal. Specifically, we can now move incrementAge to Animal; for example; when it referred to the constant MAX_AGE it had to be in Fox or Rabbit, because there's no most-specific-version rule for references to constants (only for methods). But by converting MAX_AGE the constant to getMaxAge() the method, we do get the most-specific-method rule to work for us.

But act() still behaves differently for Foxes and Rabbits

Version 4
This is created in the lab.
We break act() up; extract dissimilar pieces of it, and move the rest to Animal.
Other uses for abstract:
    public abstract class MyShape {
        public abstract void draw();

Note that Room is not an abstract class, though!

abstract helps you:

Exam 2:
Ch 7: good style:
    avoid code duplication
    use inheritance to help with that
    loose coupling between classes is better than "tight" coupling
       private fields and clear, general interfaces help here
    Cohesion: methods (and classes) should have one fundamental role; ie be responsible for one "thing"
    Write for future extendability!
       What does this mean? Writing clear classes and methods with narrow responsibilities helps with reuse.
       If you think that one method's actions might need to evolve (eg Room.respond, Item.print), use polymorphism.
       If you will have multiple distinct cases (Item.print, MyShape.draw), use polymorphism.

Refactoring: sometimes you just have to reorganize. Like changing the interface for Room.respond from
    Room respond (command c, ArrayList<Item> inv)
    Room respond (command c, Player p)
    ch 8: basic ideas
    ch 9: polymorphism; the most-specific-method rule
    ch 10 (and the Zuul project): refinements

Zuul: how do we go from idea to reality?