Week 7 Wed, Oct 10 == versus .equals String s = "hello"; String t = s; String u = "hello"; String v = "hel" + "lo"; HashMap, versus StringMap HashMap version of StringMap: what gets complicated??? First look at HashSet Documentation for Random do we ever need more than one?? Documentation for ArrayList, HashSet ==================== final version: answers depending on input HashMap, HashSet A problem: we go through the words of the sentence in "random" order! ======================================================== Friday: ================================= javadoc. Awesome! 1. bring up doco page 2. examine format 3. make some tweaks, rebuild docos ============================================= pld version: can use ArrayList OR HashSet Note differences in how words are handled! pld version: now has support for swapping strategy based on a parameter, preserveOrder Can flip this with frobPreserveOrder 1. Note use of while(true) and "break" 2. Why can't we call frobPreserveOrder during program execution? Lab 5: three passes 1. look for keyword match 2. look for FIRST questionword match in input sentence 3. random match The need to match the FIRST questionword makes the set implementation impossible. demoWordSet; playing with the Inspector Logic of going through every word in the sentence first ==========================================================================