Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Comp 170-003 (crosslisted with ISOM-370), Fall 2006

Mon 4:15-5:30, Wed 3:45-5:00 LT-410; Lab Wed 2:45-3:35, LT-410
Peter Dordal

TA: Debjit Saha
updated tutoring hours:
Mon 2:00-4:00 LT-512, WaterTower
Tues 3:30-4:30 Damen Hall, LakeShore
Thurs 3:30-4:30 Damen Hall, LakeShore
and by appointment (eg before or after class)

Text: Barnes & Kolling, Object First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, Third edition.

We will be using the BlueJ java environment.

In Fall 2006 we will consider some of the following current topics:

Final Exam study guide; the final is Wednesday Dec 13, starting at 4:00.
Answers are here.

Exam 2 study guide; Exam 2 is Monday Nov 13. answers are here.

Exam 1 study guide; answers are now here.

On the exam you will be provided with this version of the class. It incorporates in-context examples of ArrayList and array declaration, if-else statements, and while, for, and for-each loops.

Labs: Projects:

Project 1: Zuul puzzles, started Nov 8

Project 2: ImageViewer extensions, started Nov 29

my notes file for the course

There will be several assignments during the semester, two in-class exams, and final. The final exam will be Wednesday, Dec 13, at 4:00. You can come earlier if you want to start earlier.

As a rough guide, the breakdown will be as follows:

But this is sort of approximate. I reserve the right to change things +/- 5% or so. I also might make individual adjustments to the proportions above, but only in your favor.

Labs should be done during the lab period. If you're not able to do that, they should be submitted by Friday.

Sometimes you may be asked to resubmit assignments; as a general rule a resubmitted assignment will never receive a higher grade than that of someone who I didn't feel needed to resubmit. You do, however, get some grace regarding lateness when you resubmit. It is always better to submit what you have on time.

I may have you pair up to do some assignments.

My general course groundrules are here.