Comp 170 - Structured Programming in Java - Dordal

Fall 2002

Text: Java Software Solutions, by Lewis and Loftus.

Grades: There will be two in-class exams and a final. The first exam is tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 30. The second exam will be Wednesday, November 6. The final will be Friday, Dec 6, 2:30-4:30, the time listed in the schedule, in our usual room. There will also be various programming assignments and lab assignments. Programming will be in Java; I'm still working on information on what you can download if you want to work at home.

This course includes a one-hour lab following class on Wednesdays. Participation is expected. The lab TA is Peter Nabicht,

Your grade will be computed by adding up points, weighted by category. The exams will count about 70% of your grade, with programs and homework constituting the remainder. The final exam will be worth about 25% more than each of the in-class exams; detailed section-by-section summaries of what material might be on the exams will be posted beforehand.

I reserve the right to amend the percentages in your favor if circumstances warrant.

You may be asked to resubmit programs that do not meet certain standards. You are strongly urged to talk to me about problems you are having with the assignments; this might earn you an extension. Otherwise, late programs may lose up to 5% per day. Programs will be graded as much on intangibles such as good design, clarity, and appropriate style as on correctness and whether it worked.

More groundrules are here

Course goals: Note the final one is the least important!

Here is the final exam study guide; the ANSWERS ARE HERE. You might also wish to review the earlier study guides: Here is the exam #2 study guide; the answers are here (not complete yet).
Here is the exam #1 study guide. Answers are here.

Here is the notes file for the course. I update it periodically; in theory this is my notes of what I've actually covered. In practice, sometimes it's wishful thinking. ;-)

Labs: (Some need the file.)

Programming assignments:
Assignment Due date data file files needed, etc
prog1.text (not ready yet) soon your own none

Some demo programs from class: