Comp 163 Week 8 notes

Discuss midterm: week of March 215.2 Modular Arithmetic

Theorem: if p is prime, then for any x not congruent to zero, there exists y so x*y ≡ 1 (mod p).

    Zp is a field with operations +,*
    Zp - {0} is a group with operation *

A field is an algebraic structure with operator + and *, with commutative, associative and distributive laws, for which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse.

A group is an algebraic structure with an associative operation in which every element has an inverse. The structure here is Zp - {0}, of size p-1, and operation here is multiplication. Note p must be prime; 3 has no inverse mod 6.

Fermat's little theorem  ap-1 ≡ 1 (mod p), for all a not congruent to 0

2n-1 mod n for n from 2 to 13.

n 2n-1 - 1 divisible by n?
2 1 2 ≡ 0 mod 2
3 3 3*1
4 7 no
5 15 5*3
6 31 no
7 63 7*9
8 127 no
9 255 no
10 511 no
11 1023 11*93
12 2047 no
13 4095 13*315
14 8191 no

Z13 example:    3 has order 3, 5 has order 4 (the order of a, mod p, is the smallest k for which ak≡1 mod p)

    3, 9, 27≡1
    5, 25≡-1, -5≡8, 40≡1

Binomial-theorem proof

# returns the list a, a*a, a^3, ..., a^n, all mod n
def powerlist(a,n):
    lis = [0]*n
    lis[0] = a % n
    for i in range(1,n):
        lis[i] = a*lis[i-1] % n
    return lis

a*b ≡ 0 mod 15

a|bc, (a,b) = 1 => a|c  

    Proof: Note ∃k ka=bc. Also ∃x,y xa+yb=1. At this point c = cxa + cyb = a(cx + ky), so a|c

Group-theoretic proof of Fermat's "little" theorem ∀a≠0  ap-1 ≡ 1 (mod p)

The order of a ∈ Zp is the smallest k>0 such that ak ≡ 1 (mod p)

There always is such a k. The set {a, a2, a3, ... } cannot be infinite, so there are i and j, i<j, so ai ≡ aj. But then aj-i ≡ 1 mod p.

The next step is to prove that order(a) divides p-1. That's it!

Let A = {a, a2, a3, ... }. We show that we can partition Zp - {0} = {1,...,p-1} into multiple disjoint sets each the same size as A. That proves |A| divides p-1.

    Z13 example    3 has order 3, 5 has order 4. A = A5 = {5, 12, 8, 1}.

    2A = {10, 11,  3,  2}
    3A = {2,  10, 11,  3}
    4A = {7,   9,   6,   4}
    5A = {12, 8,   1,  5}
    6A = {4,   7,   9,  6}
    7A = {9,   7,   4,  7}

Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange.

How can Alice and Bob exchange public data and end up with a number that each knows, but which is not something an eavesdropper can find?

Let p=10007 and let g=5. I picked g because it has order p-1 modulo p.

Alice picks a, and Bob picks b, at random, say a=2418 and b = 5071.

Alice calculates A = ga and Bob calculates B= gb, both mod p. This can be done quickly with repeated squaring.

def power(x,e,n):  # computes x^e mod n
    pow = 1
    while e>0:
       if e%2 == 1: pow = pow*x % n
       x = x*x % n
       e = e//2    # // denotes integer division
    return pow

Alice gets A=1244 and Bob gets B=1994. They then exchange these values. Anyone can eavesdrop to get A and B, and g and p are public. But Alice also knows a, and Bob knows b, and nobody else knows either of these.

Then Alice calculates Ba = 2479 and Bob calculates Ab = 2479.

Why are these equal? Both are equal to ga*b.

Now suppose Mal wants to figure out this number. ("Mal" is for "bad"; sometimes "Eve" for "eavesdropper" is also used.) Mal knows ga. However, to retrieve a from this is pretty much trial and error; there is no efficient way to calculate "logarithms" mod p. There are 10006 values to try. Mal could do that. But what if p is one of the 1024-bit primes below:


At this point trial-and-error is impossible. But Alice and Bob can still calculate ga and gb very quickly!

But how can somebody quickly determine that the values above are in fact primes? It turns out there are fast primality checks. But nobody has discovered a fast logarithm calculation.

What can we do modulo 35? For multiplications to have inverses, we need numbers a that are relatively prime to 35. (For primes, that's all the numbers from 1 to p-1 automatically). For 35, we have to skip multiples of 5 and of 7: {0,5,7,10,14,15,20,21,25,28,30}. The number of values remaining is (5-1)*(7-1) = 24.


Homework 6:

    induction: make Inductive Hypothesis explicit!

    x2 - 6x + 5: I factored this wrong earlier!

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) encryption

Pick primes p and q that are quite large. Let N=pq. The primes p and q must be secret, unlike with DHM. Also pick an exponent e, eg e=3 or e=65537 which is relatively prime to p-1 and q-1. Next, use the Euclidean algorithm to find a d so e*d ≡ 1 mod (p-1)(q-1). The e is the public key (along with N); d is the private key.

It turns out that, for any integer m, m(p-1)(q-1) ≡ 1 mod N. (Fermat's theorem says m(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p and m(q-1) ≡ 1 mod q; the result follows with a little algebra.) This means med = (me)d ≡ 1 mod p (why?).

To encrypt a message m, let c ≡ me. Someone with d can decrypt this via cd = med ≡ m mod N.

Anyone who knows p and q can easily find d. And p and q are in principle straightforward to find by factoring N. But factoring N is extremely hard.

All the operations here are O(log p), that is proportional to the number of digits in p. But factoring is not. The obvious way to factor is O(p1/2). A faster method is the "general number field sieve"; for n ~ 21000  the performance there works out to around 25 million, and for n ~ 22000 it works out to ~ 2 billion.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography

The idea is to start with a cubic "curve" mod p: x3 = y2 + ay + b, where p, a and b are picked in advance. There are ~p2 many points (x,y), and typically around p solutions. For any two solutions, we can find a third on the straight line through the first two; this is the basis for a group product. Now we use that group for DHM and encryption.

Curve25519 uses the prime p = 2255 - 19, and the curve y2 = x3 + 486662x2 + x

